Looking through the photo gallery @ pointbuzz, at the Golden Ticket Awards @ Cedar Point, there were people from SFFT which I'm sure pulled into the parking lot and said "I wish our park was like this" ;), being totally surprised by 3 train operation on nearly every coaster, and actually having friendly (ok, not always friendly) and fast ride ops.
Do you think, for example, Six Flags sent people to Cedar Point to check out Top Thrill Dragster to see if they should put one it at SFGadv.? Or do they just hope for the best and built it without even riding a ride like it?
Certain victory.
Now back on topic....
Parks have to be on top of their game, they need to keep drawing in crowds. Whether it's a new ride, or lower prices. Doesn't matter they will do what is necessary to make the GP happy and the business thriving.
*** Edited 4/14/2005 12:00:41 AM UTC by Hanging n' Banging***
Ride of Steel said:
I was just wondering if parks send workers from their parks to other parks to see what other parks are like.Yes, it happens all of the time and throughout the entire year. Most of the time, a park visit is pre-arranged between parks, and is generally not some super secret "spy mission..."
The industry is a pretty tight knit group, and many park GM’s and Directors know each other. So, park visits are often accompanied with tours, comp passes and often a lunch or dinner with industry colleagues. And even in this day of corporate secrets and proprietary information, you would be surprised with the open sharing of information that some GM’s and Directors share with each other, off the record.
Of course park representatives visit each other's parks. They talk to each other, they look each other over, they swap "secrets", and they conduct formal and informal visits of each others' facilities.
It's all a part of good business!
Furthermore, you can tell which ones pay attention and which ones don't... :)
--Dave Ahthoff, Jr.
SFFT certainly needs NO lessons on hospitality from ANYONE....throughput maybe, friendliness not a chance....
bill, heard a rumour at one point about SFNE getting a copy of HP's Rollersoaker....seems there were some people wearing SFNE gear riding the ride while the park was deserted due to BAD weather..;)
Paula Werne
Holiday World
Paula Werne
Holiday World
Now if only I could get to know more people at all of these parks...
-Sam (who is desperately trying to break into the industry full time. Any full timers that read this board need a good group sales or PR guy?)
*** Edited 4/14/2005 6:11:15 PM UTC by Avalanche Sam***
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