Powderkeg, is it open?


This may be a foolish question, but is powderkeg open yet? I was thinking of going to the park this week, but was unsure of the rides stauts.

River King Mine Train Op 2004
Mr. Freeze Op 2005



April 7th, and April 9th.


its in the woods.........


It was running Thursday morning, and then down that afternoon when I left. I came back Friday and it was testing, but down again.

I would hold off going if it is only for PK.

Trip report coming soon.


Rob Ascough

I thought I read an article about the ride having opened. Maybe it was a soft opening?


It was open, call it whatever you choose.


Thanks. I figure that this early in the season, most launch coasters are prone to shutdowns anyways. Not to mention the fact that it is a brand new coaster.

River King Mine Train Op 2004
Mr. Freeze Op 2005



Has a launch coaster ever open with no problems? (not including the old shuttle loops)


It was a soft opening but the official opening(The next time it'll run) is April 7th.


its in the woods.........


I called the park and they said they were going to have some test runs open to the public this weekend so I was planning on going but then there was the largest snowstorm of the year on Friday between here and there. Oh well.


Where is "here"?


rollergator's avatar
LOL....soft openings are notoriously....soft. ;)

If you want to dramatically increase the likelihood of riding, then wait until the *official opening*, but I kinda like getting on a new ride BEFORE it opens to the public in that sometimes you catch something that "isn't supposed to happen."



4 launched coasters opened without any kinds of problems... strangely they're all Vekoma's!

Space Mountain and Rock n Roller Coaster at DLP, Superman: The Ride (now Xpress) at SFH (now Walibi World) and Rock n Roller Coaster at WDW.



I was there on Sunday March, 20 and Powder Keg had about thirty minutes of problems before it opened. Although, when it did open the ride didn't close again.

When the ride was down in the morning, a high manager at the park came down to see the ride open and talked to guests who were waiting for the ride to open. He told us that this weekend was the official opening of powder keg.

So, if you go it should be open unless the ride is having problems. Every year I attend the opening day at Silver Dollar City, and each time an attraction is added it is normally officially opened before they have advertised.



Where is "here"?

I am in the Twin Cities and southern MN got hit hard. I would not have been able to drive thru it.



That's quite a drive, bad weather or not.


Sawblade5's avatar
I was there on Thurs and Fri.

On Thursday, the ride was running all day with hardly any down time on it. They had open a single rider line up that day but it proved to SDC that it doesn't work very well on coasters 2 seats wide. I was in the single ride line with no open seats for at least 5 trains, becasue of that SDC decided to go ahead and close the line so they let us all on one train.

On Friday, It was media day while the ride was open to the public they had 1 train for the public and the other train for the media for most of the early part of the day until the ride broke down before 1PM. The ride was having block sensor problems on the the transfer track that loads and unloads extra trains. (Not the ond that move you to the launch site) The ride was down for about 5 hours. It did reopen about 5:30 and ran 2 trains to the public (the media group was gone).

Those were the only 2 days I went to SDC and I hope to be back in a few weeks.

Chris Knight


SFGAdv lover

^ From the sounds of that... you rode it. Review?


I'll give mine.

I wasn't completely blown away and I don't think the GP will put it above Wildfire.

My favorite line that I overheard while waiting for it to open was from a few young guys walking by. One of them asked the other one what this ride was and the reply was, "It's just an old roller coaster."

The launch was nice and the first hill was even better. Nothing else really stood out except for the lack of track after the lift. It really seems pointless for them to keep the lift there.



Sawblade5's avatar
Half of the GP already do. Some of them say Wildfire is tame compared to it. Probally this is becasue it produces more AirTime and has more lateral Gs on it.

Anyway I like both of them the same anyway as Both of them had someing different to offer.

Heres one of the reviews I got from someone from media day.

Paul Ruben: Powder Keg is the Greatest Coaster Ever Built!

Ok I had to do that one. The ride is quite awesome and I found the back seat to be the best for Airtime all the way down the first hill after being ejected from it by hitting the top. That wasn't the only spot of Air time as most every hill gave it and left you out of your seat quite a bit. Also I Enjoy the Numerous Head and Hand Choppers they had on this ride, I had to duck a few times including right before the brake run. As of right now I love the ride the most in the back row right side.

I find that lapbar system is unique but the seats seem preaty small however they can remove or add a pad (attached by velcro) from the back of your seat to help you fit better in the seat. The Lap Bar on it is very unique and it opens and closes like the lap bars on Phantom's Revenge, but unlike PR the height of the lap bar can be adjusted down to fit properly on your lap like a accordion kinda like how over the sholder restraints work on some of the Schwarzkopf Looping Coasters. I bet those trains on PK cost more money to build than WildFire's trains.

This wasn't mention anywher but I heard on the Vacation Channel (Channel 38 or Cable 6 in Branson)when they talk about it they claimed the cost to Build Powder Keg was $10 Million. I am asuming that it didn't include the $7 Million to build Buzzsaw Falls. So if you want one in your back yard come up with that $10 and contact S&S/Arrow to build your own version.

Chris Knight



Not anymore. It just had a minor accident. Hopefully it opens back up quickly. http://www.ky3.com/newsdetailed.asp?id=7779

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