Info on trip to SFGRad


Monday, March 14, 2005 2:39 AM
I will be going to Six flags great adventure on Sunday June the 6th and staying 2 more days. I was wondering if someone could give me an educated guess as to wait times for some of the better rides.

also is there much lodging around the park.

Any info would be great

Top 5 wood: 1.Hades 2.Voyage 3.Boulder Dash 4.Avalanche 5.Legend
Top 5 Steel: 1.Maverick 2.Fire Dragon 3.Batman 4.Raptor 5.Ice Dragon


Coaster Lover

Monday, March 14, 2005 2:47 AM
Sunday will be the busiest of the three days, but still shouldn't be too bad. Tuesday should be the best of the three days. Expect Superman and Nitro to have a wait time somewhere around 1.5 hours. Expect Medusa and Batman & Robin: the Chiller to have about an hour wait. Expect Batman: the Ride to have a wait of about 30 minutes. As for Kingda Ka, it all depends on how many problems they're having with the ride, but I'd say expect no less than a two hour wait, no more than a three hour wait, especially on the day's you are going. I'd suggest going to Kingda Ka first followed by Superman. Then back track around to Medusa. From there hit Rolling Thunder, Runaway Mine Train, Batman & Robin: the Chiller, Batman: the Ride, and Nitro in that order. If you're up to it hit Skull Mountain after Nitro. The line on Batman & Robin moves the slowest and will seem the longest. If the line is out of the building, it will be a LONG wait, especially if they are only running one side. Nitro's line moves the fastest. A full queue will go by quickly.

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.



Monday, March 14, 2005 4:14 PM
ApolloAndy's avatar
Magic 8 ball says: your guess is as good as anyone else's. 3 days will be more than enough to cover the park, especially if you read the "park strategies" post in the "travel tips" thread.

Bottom of the page.

It'll teach you how to attack the park rather than just telling you.

Chiller, if it's only running one side will have upwards of a 2 hr. wait. I'd guess Coaster Lover's estimates are pretty good (though I don't even have a ball park guess for KdK and I have no idea where he/she got his/her figures). *** Edited 3/14/2005 4:14:37 PM UTC by ApolloAndy***

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."


Rob Ascough

Monday, March 14, 2005 4:23 PM
Going by all my past experiences:

Nitro- 15 to 30 minutes

Superman- 30 minutes to 1 hour

Medusa- 20 to 45 minutes

Chiller- 15 minutes to 1 hour

GASM- no wait

Rolling Thunder- 10 to 20 minutes

Runaway Train- 20 to 45 minutes

Skull Mountain- 15 to 30 minutes

Batman- 20 to 45 minutes

Kingda Ka- keep your fingers crossed


Intamin Fan

Monday, March 14, 2005 6:14 PM
Do yourself a favor--spend the extra money and get Q-bot and you can knock out the park in one day. That way you have extra time to say travel up north three hours to SFNE, Lake Compounce, or travel west to Dorney Park, Hersheypark, or Knoebels. There was an earlier thread about lodging around Great Adventure several months back, and there weren't too many positive comments. Do a search.

Rob Ascough

Monday, March 14, 2005 6:23 PM
You don't need to waste money on a Q-Bot to do the entire park in a day. Expect long lines on Chiller and Superman, work around them and you'll have more than enough time for the entire thing.

The Elf

Monday, March 14, 2005 10:26 PM
What will the waits On March 26th GOING TO BE LIKE? it is going to be 46 degrees so I expect that the park will pretty empty. THANKS! *** Edited 3/14/2005 10:28:33 PM UTC by The Elf***


Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:47 AM
It's going to be that long of waits!!! that early in the season.

I am going to Dorney park, Hershey park and Knobels as well as Six flags. The other parks im not concernd about wait time becuase they only have a few rides i want to re ride.

I'm going for 3 days to SFGrad because I want to hit all of the good coasters (B&Ms and KdK) around 5 times. I hate just ridding a coaster 1 or 2 times. It gives you the feeling that you never actually went on it a few months after the trip.

I know I could hit everything in one day easily, I'm real good at that, but like I said I want to get re rides

Thanks for the advice.

Top 5 wood: 1.Hades 2.Voyage 3.Boulder Dash 4.Avalanche 5.Legend
Top 5 Steel: 1.Maverick 2.Fire Dragon 3.Batman 4.Raptor 5.Ice Dragon


Intamin Fan

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:47 AM

Rob Ascough said:
You don't need to waste money on a Q-Bot to do the entire park in a day. Expect long lines on Chiller and Superman, work around them and you'll have more than enough time for the entire thing.

I totally 100% disagree based on previous experiences. I'm including flat rides into the mix, as well as, Houdini's Great Escape and both log flumes. Now do you think you could do the whole park in one day? Doubtful. I also think your times for GASM, Nitro, and Superman are off, but as they always say on this site "Your mileage may vary".



Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:19 AM
No way at all to accurately predict wait times...just wait til you get there and find out!

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger



Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:59 PM
Get qbot

With qbot i have been able to ride evry coaster, a couple of flats, and get lunch and leave about 2 oclock.

Thats getting there before the park opens.

You could be there from opening to closing without qbot.

It helps a lot if you have the money to spend. If you are going to be there a couple of days use qbot the first day and then wait on the lines the rest.



Tuesday, March 15, 2005 1:50 PM

Rob Ascough said:
Going by all my past experiences:

Rolling Thunder- 10 to 20 minutes

That is what I found last summer. Bad news is... that was for a "walk on."

To change a little from the infamous Monty Python "Parrot Sketch"... "These ride ops wouldn't 'VOOOM!" if you put forty thousand volts through them..."


Rob Ascough

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:07 PM

Intamin Fan said:

Now do you think you could do the whole park in one day? Doubtful. I also think your times for GASM, Nitro, and Superman are off, but as they always say on this site "Your mileage may vary".

I've done the whole park in an entire day. It's possible... not guaranteed, but possible. Yes, it does depend a lot on your mileage but each time I've gone to the park (which is quite a lot), I've found lines that weren't nearly as unbearable as those at parks like SFNE, SFMM and even CP.



Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:59 PM

SLFAKE said:

To change a little from the infamous Monty Python "Parrot Sketch"... "These ride ops wouldn't 'VOOOM!" if you put forty thousand volts through them..."

OMG I just watched that episode of Monty Python the other day! "This is an ex-parrot!!"

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger


Big Ed

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:23 PM
I found a lot depends on weather. The past two years, I have gone the day after Easter, when it was relatively cold, and found all coasters except Superman to be less than a two train wait. Even last year, I went with my brother-in-law in the middle of July on a weekday where they called for rain and we only got a few sprinkles. We waited for virtually nothing. By 3:00 we had 4 rides on Chiller, 6 on Batman, 7 on Nitro, 4 on Medusa and multiple rides on GASM, Rolling Thunder, Superman and Viper as well rides on each major water ride.

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