ohhhhhh ok...
I guess that settles it then! Thank god!!
The hatred from employees comes from the deep love for the park. Once you're there, its so incredibly hard to leave. Trust me.
Fate is the path of least resistance.
I dont hate SF's, I may not agree with some of their business stratagies, but I don't hate them.
- R.A
--George H
That and the fact that I was hired at GL for X-Flight.
Anyway, based on my impressions of the applicants and re-hires when I went for the interview, this year doesn't look like it's going to be any better.
Now I wouldn't mind working for SFOT. They had some excellent employees when I went. Friendly people, they were. *** Edited 3/7/2005 4:51:49 PM UTC by sirloindude***
13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones
(I normally do not talk like that, just when I am angry)
River King Mine Train Op 2004
Mr. Freeze Op 2005
Fate is the path of least resistance.
Bossstl said:
Not only do coaster dorks and the GP hate SF .inc but so do its employees.
People hate the company. I don't know if i would say that. I'd say that they more dislike them.
-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others
Except that my comments are a little out of character for me.. as much as I dislike their decisionmaking processes and their lack of proper maintenance / positive guest service prior to 2003, I wouldn't say I hate them. Also, from my own experiences @ GAdv and reading recent TRs, they seem to be on a positive upturn right now.
All they need to do is ditch the people who don't really want to work there anyway as evidenced by their attitude, and they'll improve some more :)
As a coaster dork or employee I dont hate SF .inc. Just thought it was interesting that there was a blog ring out there for it. Just was shareing shhheessh!
I will say that part of the problem at Six Flags is the fact that the folks running the company don't have the length of experience with their parks and the specific markets they are in as do the folks at Cedar Fair. Cedar Point has had fairly consistent leadership since the 70's. You can't discount that.
Dorney Park got off to a rocky start after the Cedar Fair acquisition but now things are coming around. I think that is partially because Cedar Fair has had time to learn about the market. The same can be said for Geauga Lake. I suspect that in two to three years we will see marked improvement there because they will learn what does and doesn't work.
Bossstl said:
Not only do coaster dorks and the GP hate SF .inc ... Just was shareing shhheessh!
You should choose your words carefully.
sk610 said ...If you look at CP, all of the CP employees take pride in making CP the best amusement park in the country.
I really did not find that when I visitied. Do they have operations down good? Yes Damn good, but as far as friendliness I am treated nicer at my SF's.
This is not to start at Who is better. No doubt CP knows how to run operations, and keep the park looking nice. But as far as Customer Service or friendliness, nothing stood out to me on my visit. ***
I am not a fan boy of anything. I call em like I see em! *** Edited 3/8/2005 3:40:56 PM UTC by Markieb***
It's about hi how are you, good morning, you need any help, thank you, smiles, etc. Can I help you?
Thats what customer service is. That is where pride and happiness of working are presented.
I saw nothing like that CP on my trip.
I saw great load times, and a clean park, nothing more.
Not knocking them, just saying I see nothing customer service of friendliness wise over SF's.
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