Heck, if it has tracks and has dips, Can I count it?
Chuck, resuming Cre-ho status!
And yes, you can still see the used syringes on the beach from way up there ;)
OK, here's that LINK
*** Edited 2/18/2005 12:21:42 AM UTC by coasterpunk***
The Sun Wheel may be the same idea, but it's all about the vintage. The day Disney hires a toothless operator and goops on 30 coats of paint over more chipped paint, they'll really have the themeing nailed.
To being an "us" for once - instead of a "them".
*reminds self to use the brain a little more before hitting Submit*
Mamoosh said:
I don't know about that, Rob
Do tell!
Wait, on second thought...
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