Feel free to click on the link under my signature to check it out. To see the photo gallery's click on "Models" up in the toolbar and you can see how we've evolved over the past years right up to our last one we had in November. I'd love to hear your comments or remarks any and all good or bad i'll accept ;)
And there are others out there, too. Note: the Roller Coaster Models are not functional. Most (if not all) of Cummons' models are functional though.
John Hunt does great work, and he's a cool guy, I've dealt with him as well. I also have stuff on order from Cummons.
Their aren't too many people in this hobby but it's alot of fun.
I think his coolest model has to be Gwazi although it is one of the few I didn't see with my own eyes. The pictures of it just look crazy.
He's also selling a model of the Idora Park Wildcat if anyone is interested.
You could buy one kit and build it the way the model is suppose to be, but with the right enginnering, design, trail & error it is possible to make what ever you want. One thing though is the train is on rollers so its not totally impossible to make a loop but your asking for trouble though if you want one the most you can make is a vertical loop with this track but it has to has more than its average speed to make it through so it dont fall off the track midway. If were to go along with making your own design then your best bet would have to be customizing all the supports more less of of solid plastic or if you wanted to pay up the cash for thin poles of wood. It's really up to you.
But none-the-less is a very time consuming project its not going to happen over night let alone in one week. My friend built the coaster we have now and I tell you I've heard more than enough horror storys about how painstakingly long it took for the model to run as smoothly as it does. Also I'll note other modelers have always stated that they have a hard time getting it to running properly and other's couldnt it the coaster to run the corse at all(that being the layout faller give's in the instructions). If you ever plan to attempt one in the near future feel free to email my partner or myself. You can contact us through our site, we could give you tips, and help were possible and offer what we know. So pretty much it's possible to make your own ride, but don't let those tales of horror scare you at all.
Patience grasshoper Patience ;) *** Edited 1/25/2005 3:22:28 PM UTC by SFDLdan***
Nice work. I too build models. For anyone in the Rochester, NY area that is unaware there are two operational models I have running. One was purchased by the Rochester Museum and Scinece Center. It is on permanent display and is fully operational. The second model you can see is located at Ridge Road Station in Holley, NY (about 1/2 hour west of Rochester) This model is bigger than the one at RMSC and is also fully functional. The one at RMSC is a sit down model while the one at RRS is an invert that uses a spiral lift. They are built out of copper tubing and brass rod.
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