7yr old girl dies on ride at playland park


Where's the ban hammer when you need one. JDB, that was an asinine comment you made.

What the f*** does her nationality have to do with her falling out of the ride?
*** Edited 5/24/2004 2:27:34 PM UTC by redman822***



They where Haitian according to this article, pretty sad about the note she left her dad.


Army Rangers lead the way


What the F*** her nationality has to do with falling out of the ride is ONE - Language issue (Haitian-Creole); TWO - Cultural issue, parents not familiar with these rides as they do not have them in Haiti. I work with Haitians every day and they are great people, but it takes a while to for them to familiarize themselves to the English language and to American culture, and this might have been a contributing factor in this accident.


So, using your so-called logic (?) should we be expecting Mexican-Americans to go flying out of rides because many places in Mexico don't have them and it takes them a while to familiarize themselves with the English language and American culture...


This was a senseless tragedy and my thoughts are with her family. They've gotta be devastated. Perhaps the parents and/or the girl didn't understand, for whatever reason, the severity of respecting rules on a ride and the nature of rides. This is very sad.

We just have to make sure that our children understand why the rules are there. Tragedies like this happen unfortunately. It's a wake-up call to the rest of us that this can happen. I just hope there isn't political grandstanding and heavy breathing of regulations and restrictions because of this.

The ride ops can only enforce rules but they can't be parents. The ride was not malfunctioning. I could get up on my knees on the Mind Scrambler but I'm probably not going to do so, so I can't see how increasing the height limit will make so much of a difference. I don't see how making an age requirement would improve things because older kids can fool around and younger kids can behave. Perhaps bringing the riders' attentions more directly to the rules of the ride will help. A large sign with bold letters that can't be missed. Other than that... what could be done really?



Mamoosh's avatar
She was not at the park with her parents, she was with other family members or friends who I would assume the parents trusted.


Sure, why not? When I was a little girl, my family would bring along a friend or two of mine.


Mamoosh's avatar
I wasn't making a judgement, Jenny. I was answering everyone who was crying, "Where were her parents?" They could not watch her...they weren't there!


Mamoosh: No problem. I was just agreeing with you. *** Edited 5/24/2004 3:59:07 PM UTC by Jenny***

The One The Only Coaster God

Read and discuss more on this over in the NEWS Section


A fact is, people behave irrationally, especially when they are having fun.
E.G. I was doing a trip on the train this weekend, and there were these two caucasian white Americans in the train - drunk as hell, oviously indulging in the liberal laws of drinking alcohol in public that we have over here.
Obviously unable to handle their drunkness responsibly, they spilled their beers over the brand new trains seats of the ICE3, dropped half-empty liquor bottles on the floor and managed to damage and break off of both of their tray tables by hitting on them like madmen in an attempt to have "fun".
Of course, they were thrown out of the train at the next station, where police was already waiting for them. It's not the first time I have seen vandalising drunken Americans over here, to be honest.

Would I say "Americans often have problems to read German signs and adapt to European Culture"?
If I would generalise the same way, I think Haitians would have behaved better in a comparable situation.

Don't worry, I don't have a problem with the U.S. at all -- I do love it over there. (Especially the big coasters)

Anyway - I think with joyrides like the "Mind Scrambler": It obviously was not safe enough.
Would it be possible to make such an accident impossible to happen by not allowing the ride to run unless all people have the proper seating position?


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