The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch
Fate is the path of least resistance.
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch
Call me a freak, but I think this might be the best impulse in America (and I've done them all). I like V2 at SFGAm, but the unique stalls on SFMW's are really fun, and I didn't think the shorter back spike made the ride significantly different.
Knotts Halloween Haunt- Everyone has to go sometime....
When an impulse coaster train goes up a spike, loses its speed and energy, comes to a stop, then reverses itself, again building up speed and energy, its called a stall.
Or, for another example, when an aircraft loses its speed and seems to just float for awhile, its called a stall.
Of all the Impulses, I have to say the WT is probably the best one. The little stall on the back spike on all the other impulses just hurts, especially if you have long legs and no tennis shoes on (I constantly hit my legs with the seat in front of me) and I like the floating sensation better. Facing straight down just isn't very scary. Zero Gs are the way to go.
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
Personally, I think it's still fun. Not as intense as before, but still a great ride. As for the launches on this ride, well I won't comment since after you experience a launch on one of Intamin's Rocket Coasters, other launches just feel weak by comparison.
MForce2k said:
Or, for another example, when an aircraft loses its speed and seems to just float for awhile, its called a stall.
Having done probably a hundred stalls, I can tell you an airplane definately doesn't float when it stalls. :)
V2 at SFGAm is a favorite coaster of mine (in the front). A little underrated it seems.
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