Love Thread: Knoebels


Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:41 PM
nasai's avatar
What is the Whirlwind? I admit ignorance.
Death on two legs


Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:45 PM
Whirlwind is a pukey Vekoma Corkscrew. Ack.

Don't expect it to be anywhere close to as good as the one at PNE. Totally different ride.



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:56 PM
Mamoosh's avatar
Methinks Whirlwind will be making an exit from Knoebels in the next few years.

A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Ignoranus [n.] a person who is both stupid and an @sshole.



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:58 PM
Mehopes you're right, cuz something really cool could be in that plot of land instead.

Something like R:UE, perhaps...

*** This post was edited by chris 7/30/2003 6:00:33 PM ***



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:00 PM

Come on guys, I really like Whirlwind. It's not headbangy, it has character, and going inches from the trees is just great. As far as looping coasters go, it's abotu the only one I coudl see at KG.
If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.


Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:05 PM
I have a few better ideas abotu what coudl go in that space instead of Whirlwind, and none of them have loops. ;)



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:12 PM
Whatever they decide to put there it would need to have character. Too me that means either a woodie or some classic steel.

Idlewild's mouse is a good example of steel with character as is Magnum and man Mine Trains.

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:39 PM
I am probably alone in this, but I always loved the Jet Star. Bring it back! :)

Harry Baer IV

"Do you think it was a bear?"
"A bear? Bears are sweet! Besides, you ever seen a bear with 40 foot feet?"



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:41 PM
Me also hopes Whirlwind leaves soon and it gets replaced by an Invertigo or an un-trimmed Wild Mouse. one thing i can say about Whirly if it leaves, dont the the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.....


Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:49 PM
Invertigo *blech* talk about screwing up the atmosphere.

A mouse would work but it woudl have to be done right like the afformentioned Idlewild.

A classic Schwarzkopf would be heaven, if Whizzer ever does go, that woudl be the perfect location.
If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.


Jeffrey R Smith

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 9:28 PM
Never been to Idlewild! Is this a wooden mouse? I know they are a rare breed, but oh wouldn't a wooden mouse fit right into Knoebels! I must admit that I only rode the Whirlwind once for a track credit! I do enjoy watching it though! Not nearly as much as would like to see a wooden mouse there though!

Give me wood! :-)
328 and counting!

*** This post was edited by Jeffrey R Smith 7/30/2003 9:28:30 PM ***



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 10:05 PM
Idlewilds is a classy Vekoma mouse, see if you ever see classy and Vekoma together again. Anyway its very grown in an un obtrusive.

A wooden mouse woudl fit the atmosphere perfectly and was basically what i was going for when i said wood.

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:24 PM
rollergator's avatar
Someone *please* explain to me why I sometimes get quizzical looks from people when saying that Phoenix is tied for my top spot. I mean, seriously, WOW......that was the MOST extreme airtime I have ever felt on a wooden coaster, period. Granted, the coaster may be "on best behavior" during PPP, but that is INSANE....

Anyone care to comment about Phoenix' performance other than when I rode it (Oct '01)....did I manage to catch Phoenix on a GOOD day (well, the night rides actually were THE rides), does Phoenix routinely deliver *that* kind of ride.....whassup with the Schmeck in Elysburg?

edit: and a small advertisement for Corona, ROFL.....anyhow, R:UE is a *perfect* replacement for Whirlwind...:). But I'd rather *keep* Whirlwind and just *add* rides, if that's OK with you all..;)
your company's name and logo HERE...effective advertising at great rates!
*** This post was edited by rollergator 7/30/2003 11:28:03 PM ***



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:52 PM
Bill, it's good IMO but not all that. It's in my top 7-8 sure, but it doesn't come close to Twister. That thing kicks your ass.

Phoenix was a lot better at PPP then when I first rode it, amazing ride, but twister outshines it IMO.

And how abotu a dueling ride to replace Whirlwind.

M:TR and R:UE

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.



Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:13 AM
boblogone's avatar
Whizzer has too big a footprint to take Whirlwind's spot. How about a triple sized racing HSTC to replace Whirlwind?

Magnum, the rides you suggest belong in the new more adult Vegas.



Thursday, July 31, 2003 1:43 AM

rollergator said:

Anyone care to comment about Phoenix' performance other than when I rode it (Oct '01)....did I manage to catch Phoenix on a GOOD day (well, the night rides actually were THE rides), does Phoenix routinely deliver *that* kind of ride.....whassup with the Schmeck in Elysburg?

Lets just say the Phoenix has off days but even the bad day The Phoenix delivers an airtime filled ride.

Any park with a giant building called "THE LOAF" in the shape of bread has to be classy! Don't forget the giant Birthday Cake by the Grand carousel too! :)

Any park that has 90% of their rides at a $1 or less is truely a great park! How can you top a ride on the Flyers for $.90, Dogems for $1, and the Carousel for $.80!

Don't forget about Knoebels 5 working band organs as well.

Their bargin night is pretty sweet, ride all the rides but the woodies, Skloosh, Skyride, Log Flume, and Haunted Mansion for $6.50 from 6 till 10. How can you go wrong?

In other Knoebels news 1001 Nachts is up and running after a year of downtime. The kids play area for the pool is open now as well! That was suposed to be open last summer. Twister finally has logos on the fronts of the trains and a big logo on the structure. I think the big logo showed up late last summer.

I'm glad I live in the middle of BFE since Knoebels is only 12 miles from my house!
Signature will be closed today. Sorry for the inconveinance.

*** This post was edited by coasterpunk 7/31/2003 1:55:42 AM ***



Thursday, July 31, 2003 2:08 AM
I'm also trying to get out to PPP this year. It'll be my first time to Knoebels as well.

I've only heard good things about the park, so I figure, why not?! Hope to see you all there


OoOoOo....Boulder Dash *Drools Excessively*
"That helix turns me on" - Nightride at CoasterCon



Thursday, July 31, 2003 9:48 AM

rollergator said:

does Phoenix routinely deliver *that* kind of ride

I've been to Knoebels both at PPP and on a regular operating day, and Phoenix kicked a$$ both times.



Thursday, July 31, 2003 11:41 AM
Mamoosh's avatar
I can second that, chris. Although I have yet to visit Knoebels on a non-PPP day I have friends who visit frequently during the summer and they claim Phoenix always delivers.


A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Ignoranus [n.] a person who is both stupid and an @sshole.


Black 7

Thursday, July 31, 2003 7:48 PM
Yes, the Phoenix is always phlying well, even on an off day it delivers.

On the topic of the next coaster, isn't there a little coaster over at Hillcrest Park in Chi-town that may be avalible and fit very well into Knoebel's family friendly atmophere. Just a thought.

Ask yourself; When was the last time YOU visited Conneaut Lake Park?


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