Love Thread: Knoebels


Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:23 PM
I thought that I would open my own "love thread" and pay homage to a place that has been a part of my life since the tender age of 5 - Knoebels. :)

So many things add to this amazing little park, but I'll just make a short list here:

1. Phoenix - probably my top wooden coaster. Many promise, but Phoenix delivers, and the capacity is top-notch.

2. Free parking - aren't too many parks within driving distance of Harrisburg that offer this little perk anymore.

3. Inexpensive, quality food - OK, I'll admit it; I may be a coaster fiend, but there has been a day in my life where I wanted to drive to Knoebels solely for chicken and waffles. :) I have yet to buy food at Knoebels that is not fantastic and more than reasonably priced.

4. The Flyers - enough said.

5. Twister - an excellent addition to one of the world's best traditional parks.

6. Friendliness - we live in a world where time is money and a lot of park employees can't seem to afford the time to be friendly. I have never been treated in anything less than a courteous and friendly manner by any Knoebels employee.

OK, this already sounds like an ad, but I had to come out with it - I love this place! Looking at this park from a distance, it's hard to understand what generates such strong feelings about it - after all, it looks like someone set up a county fair in the middle of the woods. That, however, is part of the magic this place holds. There is nowhere quite like Knoebels in the world. Well done, Knoebels, and keep up the good work! :) ------------------
Harry Baer IV

"Do you think it was a bear?"
"A bear? Bears are sweet! Besides, you ever seen a bear with 40 foot feet?"



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:48 PM
Mamoosh's avatar
You only made it to's the rest of the Top 10:

7. Best Haunted House....ever!

8. High Speed Thrill Coaster...more air than most adult coasters!

9. way only please! No head-ons!

10. Whipper...the most fun one can have going in an oval.

mOOSH - must get to Knoebels on a non-PPP day someday.

A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Dopeler Effect [n.] - the tendancy of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:53 PM
nasai's avatar
I have never been to Knoebels, but I hear she's a whore. This is a love thread, right? ;)
First Spinal Tap, THEN puppet show

Intamin Fan

Tuesday, July 29, 2003 7:49 PM
They have a Zamperla Power Surge. Enough said.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.


Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:07 PM
Man, where to begin other then Knoebel's is the single best amusement park in the country. What an atmosphere, what rides, what food, what an amazing time.

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:08 PM
nasai's avatar
Really? I love anything Zamperla! If their flats are as legendary as their coasters, count me in for PPP.
First Spinal Tap, THEN puppet show


Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:11 PM
There flats are arguably thr best part of the park Rob. The place is so amazing on so many levels.

The absolutely gorgeous location helps a lot as well.

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:45 PM
Mamoosh's avatar
Wait! Did Nasai just say he was coming to PPP? That's a new development ;)


A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Dopeler Effect [n.] - the tendancy of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 8:47 PM
you cant forget....

11. Whirlwind, the biggest POS ever created!

I really love Knoebel's and i am lucky enough to have it as my home park. Phoenix is my favorite woodie and an absolute airtime whore, Twister doesnt compare with Phoenix, but is still a great ride. Moosh was right, Thrill Coaster has more airtime than most adult coasters. This park also has THE BEST Pizza anywhere, and the other foos is great.

See you guys at my first Phunfest!



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 9:04 PM
I actually enjoy Whirlwind a lot, it's different and it's location is great. It adds to the charm of the park.

And how can anyone forget the North Pole?

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 9:39 PM
I agree, I think The Whirlwind suits the park perfectly, an I haver to admit the headchoppers on the last turn scare the crap outta me every time. The NP is neat also. I remember the first time I went there a long time ago I was amazed they kept it frozen the whole summer (well, untill I saw that they incase it at night lol). the whole park is so unique. I go there at least twice if not more times a year. The new slides and pool improvements are nice too, I hope they continue to expand there. The only thing that bothers me is the way they set some of the new flats up, they could do MUCH better then that, they proved that with AXS (untill they put PS in the spot and it has yet to fit the concrete foundation right) But thats mostly cosmetic...


Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:48 PM
Aw, dear old Axis. I'm usually not a big fan of flats, but the Axis was cool. Not to mention it's probably one of the most "profitable" rides at the park. (Change falling from pockets) ;)

Whenever you can ride a roller coaster and experience 15 spots of intense airtime, you know you're on a good coaster. (see: Phoenix)



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:51 PM
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I have only visited Knoebels once during Coaster Con '01 but quickly fell in love with the park. I am SO looking forward to my first PPP. Hopefully my brother won't ask for his tent back anytime soon. :-)

Hmmm, maybe I will visit the Yuengling Brewery again en route. I would suggest that as a nice little side stop for beer fans. ;-)

Rob, you will be very welcomed. I will have to make up for missing the SRM party. :-)


Gimme speed, height, airtime and plenty of LAUNCH!!!
*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 7/29/2003 11:54:13 PM ***



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 4:15 PM
nasai's avatar
Well... first Moosh, then Tina. I swear you are making this mighty tempting. :) If everything settles well, I might very well make it out for PPP. What are the dates again?
First Spinal Tap, THEN puppet show


Wednesday, July 30, 2003 4:24 PM
Why is it that the best parks are always in the dead center of BFE? Couldn't someone build a city and an interstate within 50 miles of some of these places? ;)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 4:30 PM
rollergator's avatar

nasai said:
What are the dates again?

From the sounds of it Robbio, your dates are Moosh, then Tina...;)



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:05 PM
Mamoosh's avatar
October 4th, Nasai, but good luck finding a hotel room. I suggest you look in nearby Danville. Chris, Maggie, Dawn, and my folks and I are staying at the Hampton Inn there.


A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Ignoranus [n.] a person who is both stupid and an @sshole.



Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:07 PM
Hey there is a lot to be said for BFE ;)

If given the choice I'd choose a hamburger over a hotdog anyday of the week.


Jeffrey R Smith

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:12 PM
There is nothing about this park, and I mean nothing, that I do not love!
Give me wood! :-)
328 and counting!


Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:14 PM
I do *not* love the Whirlwind.

I'm with you on the rest of it though, Mr. Smith.


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