Most anticipated park visit of 2003


I can't wait to go to SFGAm not only for the rides, but I get to meet someone special for the first time.

My trip this summer is taking me to 10 parks... the main attractions being VF, SFGAm, Cart's & Coasters, IB, and PKI. The "minor" attractions being Little A-Merrick-A, Santa's Village, Cony Island (OH), Stricker's Grove, and LeSourdsville Lake Amusement Park.

We're back...
*** This post was edited by GoliathKills 4/5/2003 5:05:35 PM ***



I can't wait to get to the point this year and see how great TTD is going to be. Some people have said that it's just a tophat and I want to prove them wrong. I can't actually voice my opinion until I ride it, so I'm really excited!


Unless you plan on sneaking an overbank or a couple of bunnies into the layout, coasterzak, it *is* just a tophat. :-p

Joe, always a smartass

"No honey, the monkeys have already done enough damage on this trip." - Guy coming out of front gate at SFGAd


Coasterman J

Where to begin? I've got so many that I'm looking forward to, so I guess I'll just list the biggest:

SRM and Holiday World (first time! :))

SFGAm (also my first time)

CP (again, my first time here too! ;))

There are tons more, but I don't want to get into a large list here. Let's just say the SRM trip I'm taking is going to be the most awesome trip I've ever been on. Except maybe my first time at IoA... nothing beats that. ;)

Justin "I need to get back to IoA and soon" Adams

Never look a gift horse in the mouth, because horses have very bad breath



Well there's Dollywood in June and Phantasialand/SF Holland in July..... and there's always Carowinds anytime I feel like going.....


sfmm sometime in July. See if X can live up to the hype and of course scream.

I hope they kill that iron yuppie. Thinks he's so big. The great homer simspon



nasai's avatar
Bill, you beat me to it. ;)

Robbie is looking forward to SRM (his first), and playing host(ess) to all the freaks at CAC. Between Ethyl's sets and udon, it's gonna be nutso... let alone all the wood that will be flying come this August.

(Did you like the generous dose of winking innuendo?;))
I have been arrested more than you.



Hopefully my trip to Cedar Point. If Top Thrill Dragster lives up to my expectations and I'm able to get a good number of rides on Millennium Force I'll be set.

All who think Mean Streak needs a match taken to it say I.



Cp it will be my first time Mf and TTD I cant wait


What else but CP, a 400ft tall coaster and my current #2, #3, #4 steel coasters (Magnum, MF, Raptor in that order) got to love it!!!

Summer 03-CP, HP, Canobie, SFNE, SFWOA, and SFGAm.



Coaster Mania, nuff said!


VF(SV) to SFGAm (suf) to CP (TTD) only a 5 day trip... But Im still excited, first flyer and first Rocket!



Prolly Busch Gardens in JunefortheCon...although Compounce, SFNE and Coney are all up there as well.

Mike Miller - Harbinger Of Doom - Killer Of Threads - Cheap Rates, Ask About Our Special!



I'm going to BGT for the first time next week...looking forward to that...will Python be finished being painted by then? I hope so...

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK



rollergator's avatar
MM87...other than the credit (and it's historical value), Python is virtually worthless....Gwazi is the real surprise in store, since its just recently become a *contender*, and doesn't (yet) have the rep of the park's steel coasters...
Dr. Thrill IS my family practitioner
Hey look, gator finally posted a TR...;)


Gwazi does indeed look very awsome...Which side is considered better, or are they equally great?

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK



Certainly I am looking forward to CP. Its my second visit and will be my first rides on TTD and WT, so that sounds like a good time.

Been to Kennywood before, but that park is so much fun, its a park that I wish was my home park. :)

Finally, Holiday World and Indiana Beach... Mmmm.. new (to me) CCI! Can't wait to do these two!

OK, I have to say that I can't wait to ride S:UF at SFGAm. Looks like a great park and should have a lot of great rides.

The Trip: CP, SFWoA, PKI, KW, HW, IB, SFGAm, MiA and LeSourdsville too.
8 Days- 10 parks. May 2003



MikeMir87 said:
Gwazi does indeed look very awsome...Which side is considered better, or are they equally great?

Tiger, Lion is a major disapointment never have I been on a racer/dueler that is so different between the sides

Summer 03-CP, HP, Canobie, SFNE, SFWOA, and SFGAm.



Thanks, Ill rideTiger alot more then Lion now.

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK


crazy horse

crazy horse's avatar
Thanks(sf) great american, my mistake.

you can lead a man to millenium force, but you cant make him ride it.


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