Coasters that age well...

Mark W. Baruth

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:45 AM

Big Dipper @ SFWoA kicked my butt all over the track-probably the best wood in Ohio. Scorpion @ BGT is still incredibly smooth after 20 years. Racer @ PKI is still a fantastic ride after 30 years. Kennywood's woodies have already been mentioned, but they should be mentioned again-Thunderbolt is masterful after 35 years, and dozens more if you consider its original incarnation. Kumba has aged well, but it is a little rough in the second half. SFGAm's B:TR was outstanding when I rode it for the first time this past summer.

It amazes me that people consider Kumba and B:TR "old." I remember several visits to Busch Gardens: The Dark Continent where I rode Python and Scorpion all day long...they had a video set up in they walkway between Timbuktu and Congo telling visitors about "the tallest, fastest rollercoaster in the Southwest...coming next year, KUMBA!" Those were the days...
SRM 2003-Look for the guy with my name on his chest



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:57 AM

Six Flags Over Nebraska said:
For this one i'm going to have to go with Orient Express at Worlds of Fun, still runs like its brand new.

Wow, it must have really beat the **** out of you when it was new!

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:29 AM
Robocoaster's avatar
On my last visit to Disneyland, I found TMR had slowed down from what I remembered, and SM was a bit rougher. But MB seemed faster than I recalled, and I liked it way more than I had on prior visits.

"Alias" rocks!


Charles Nungester

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:32 AM

Six Flags Over Nebraska said:
For this one i'm going to have to go with Orient Express at Worlds of Fun, still runs like its brand new.

Your joking right?

Charles Nungester.
Confirmed, Lesourdsville Lake opening for 2003 details soon at



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:33 AM
I agree Raptor still rides as great as the day she was born, I also agree Blue Streak has got better the past few years, mainly beacaue of the much needed retracking done in the last few years, after years of neglect.

Now for about the the last 3 weeks of last season the trim on the Mantis hill was not functioning, and let me tell you it made a world of diffrence yes some guest were getting off quite dizzy, but is was the best ride I had since 96, hopefully it happens again this year, plus shes getting a new paint job.

The trim also died on Mean Streak this summer for a week in August I think, and if you sat in front, where the massive shimming is the least, I think I had my best ride on the often under rated mean streak, in my mind a very beutiful lokking coaster, with the bonus of longest ride time at CP.

Maggie on the other had I think has not improved, the pretzel still kills me, but I must admit it is not that bad for an arrow.
*** This post was edited by Sharpel007 2/26/2003 7:09:28 PM ***



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:36 AM
Python at Efteling is still a great coaster, even after 22 years!

Dutch Coastin' :: European coasters, thrills and theming!


Charles Nungester

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:37 AM

Six Flags Over Nebraska said:
For this one i'm going to have to go with Orient Express at Worlds of Fun, still runs like its brand new.

Alot have mentioned Big Dipper at SFWOA and I totally agree, Love those huge feeling drops on such a not so big coaster.

Another coaster that seemed to be running better than ever is Screechin Eagle at Lesourdsville Lake. The first drop was a little bit less severe than it previously was but the rest of the coaster just kicked A@@. IMHO only one thing could be done to improve it now and that is to remove the seat dividers. Not for room but for safety. If you ride SE alone it will toss you from one side to the other and you may LAND ON THE DIVIDER.

Not fun but remember to sit on the right side if your alone and you will be fine.


Charles Nungester.
Confirmed, Lesourdsville Lake opening for 2003 details soon at



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:52 AM
Mamoosh's avatar
Unless I've missed it you've all missed the obvious answer: Leap The Dips! At 101 years old it certainly has aged quite well ;)


"Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:18 PM

Sharpel007 said:
in my mind a very beutiful lokking coaster, with the bonus of longest ride time at CP.

Uhhh... I'd hardly say running a ride so much slower than it was designed is a bonus. They could put 20 trims on Cedar Creek Mine ride and make it run 2 miles an hour. Just cause I'd be on it longer doesn't mean I'd like it more.

Pun is the death of wit.



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:19 PM
So which ever coaster gets the nod for best aged should we unofficially change its name to,,,,, "Fine Wine: The Ride"? :)

Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:29 PM
The Racers, Beastie/Scooby Doo at PKI have aged very well over the 31 years they have been open. The Beast I am not so sure of with the new breaks being added last year. I know they had to add the breaks but the Beast does not give the same ride before the new breaks where added any more.

Charles Nungester

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:34 PM
So how well has M-TR aged?

Charles Nungester.
Confirmed, Lesourdsville Lake opening for 2003 details soon at



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:46 PM
It has to be The Giant Dipper at Santa Cruz Beach Broadwalk, Its a fantastic woodie(amazing after nearly 80 years) Its also still quite smooth, there is airtime and its just oine incredible coaster.

Another one is Big Dipper at SFWOA, some people dont like this, but I really enjoyed it, The airtime is incredible, and its certaintly one of the best woodies I've ever ridden



Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:00 PM
surprisingly, despite taking a few lives a couple of years ago, i'd have to say the Scenic Railway at Luna Park (melbourne), this ride is still fantastic even wif the break man. 90 years old and it still has nice air time on the last bunny hops. Hmm on another note, Nemesis (yea Colin) is going through it's loop even faster lol. What has aged badly? ie they are head bangers? i don't like MB at DLA, also the worst coaster i have been on is Thunderbolt at Dreamworld. But i'll probably still ride it if i ever go visit the park again


Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:55 PM
Yes, I agree with the Giant Dipper at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Another one, and I know Ronald Anderson will second this, is Coaster at Playland.

Dan The Man

Thursday, February 27, 2003 4:10 PM
Jeff: Why did you close the coaster aging topic. This forum does nothing to explain why a coaster would age poorly, which is what I wanted to know. I'm not going to start a new topic about why you closed it but I would really like to know why you did.

If you don't like the ride shut up and get out of line.



Friday, February 28, 2003 1:23 AM
And now for 'Playa Letterman's Top Five Reasons 'Your' Topic was Closed:

5) Your topic sounded exactly like the other one you knocked off--just with a little less clarity

4) Because discussing why a coaster doesn't age well can be discussed in the same thread as what makes it age well

3) Because starting a topic means almost isn't a claim to fame, doesn't make you a topic captain and it isn't your thread

2) We can't trust anyone who doesn't confess their love for pancakes

1) Jeff just plain wanna


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.



Friday, February 28, 2003 10:26 AM
rollergator's avatar
Thanks 'Playa....that was good stuff....wondering if there's a way to post that into the TOS...(you know, that page that noone seems to read)....;)
Never go unarmed into a battle of wits...;)
...and for those who claimed I needed a role model:


Friday, February 28, 2003 10:35 AM
Viper at SFGAm is by far the smoothest wooden I have ever been on. You can even tell it's not new. By the way how old is it?




Friday, February 28, 2003 10:40 AM
Vater's avatar
A quick jaunt over to rcdb tells me that Viper was built in '95.

By the way...what's this TOS thingy I keep hearing about?

(Disclaimer: I'm kidding.)

'These pretzels are making me thirsty.'
Take a ride...


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