BGW - Your Comments on Coasters


Sunday, January 28, 2001 3:40 PM
I'm going to Virginia Beach this spring (April, not sure which day for sure) with my marching/concert/pep band. I know very limited information about Busch Gardens except they have some cool looking coasters. Alpengeist looks really cool and I've noticed a lot of people have this coaster rated high on their favorites list - what's it like?

Apollo's Chariot looks great as well, I loved Raging Bull and it's style of seating, so I assume this will have the same effect. Is this coaster is great as it looks? How different is it from the Bull? All I know is Apollo's Chariot is more of an out and back and Raging Bull is a "twister".

Is Big Bad Wolf better than Iron Dragon at Cedar Point? It looks cool with all that theming around it :)

Thanks to all who reply...I like to know general info on park/coasters before I go :)

Indiana Beach 2001 - Pictures, Reviews, CornBall Express exclusive information - coming Spring 2001!


Sunday, January 28, 2001 4:33 PM
Lucky you! I can't wait to go again. I don't think anyone can leave BGW with anything but praise for the park and its coasters. Apollo's Chariot is like a classic out and back woodie on caffeine. Alpengeist is smooth as glass with good pacing except for the brake run half way through. Loch Ness Monster is the most picturesque coaster anywhere. Big Bad Wolf takes you on a wild ride through a small village then a drop down to the Rhine River. One thing you won't want to miss is the Festhaus for food. Have a good time!

Is it just me or does Hypersonic look like one of those coasters you would see on Looney Toons?


Sunday, January 28, 2001 4:44 PM
BGW is a great park. The only thing I can say negative about it is you do ALOT of walking between the coasters up and down hills. Thats not really a complaint about the park though.

All the coasters are great and worth the wait.
BBW is my favorite suspended with great visualy and some super swinging action over the water.

Nessie is a great coaster as well. This thing rides like the day she was introduced (just guessing there) It's hard to imangine it's over 20 years old and an Arrow.

I'm sure you heard all about Apollo and Alpie so I won't even mention them.

One thing you may want to do is hop on the train near Apollo's Chariot. It's the only way you can get close to Drachen Fire without jumping a fence.

BGW is one of my must hit parks every year. Deffinately worth the 7 hour drive.

Maybe with some luck you will see CoAsTeRDan riding Alpengeist.
2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer


Sunday, January 28, 2001 4:59 PM
Question: What is the main reason for Drachen Fire closing?
When did it close?
Do you think it will open!?

If it was closed because of..."wussies" complaining about headbanging, then Shockwave at Six Flags Great America should close...that thing rattles your brain until you feel like you are going to die! Literally!

Indiana Beach 2001 - Pictures, Reviews, CornBall Express exclusive information - coming Spring 2001!


Sunday, January 28, 2001 6:00 PM
From what I've heard, Big Bad Wolf tears Iron Dragon a new one.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard


Sunday, January 28, 2001 6:31 PM
I heard the "rumor" Morgan will work it's magic with Drachen Fire.

The Iron Dragon is a suspended monorail compared to The Big Bad Wolf.
2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer


Sunday, January 28, 2001 6:39 PM
Comparing Iron Dragon to Big Bad Wolf is like comparing the Beastie to The Beast. Not necessarily size, but for the speed and elements. IMO, BBW is *the* suspended coaster.


Sunday, January 28, 2001 6:53 PM
Hey, don't make fun of Iron Dragon!;)

Someday in the near future, I will hopefully make it out to BGW, Big Bad Wolf and Apollo's Chariot look amazing. Heck, the whole park looks amazing, I really hope to make it out there within the next few years.

-Eric L.


Sunday, January 28, 2001 11:32 PM
Jeff's avatar
If an argument was ever to be made about quality vs. quantity, this would be the place. Five coasters, five great times. Wild Maus aside, it's all about the terrain of that park. Bring your walking shoes!

Webmaster/Admin -

Agent Johnson

Sunday, January 28, 2001 11:33 PM
Dollar for Dollar, this is about the yop park in the US. All the rides are good. (You must forget about DF until it runs again). The flume is good, the rapids ride is great, as the Shoot the Chutes. Food is top notch, and the shows are actually tolerable. Enough gift shops with Hummels to CooCoo Clocks to whatever you can think of, and about as friendly of a staff as you can find. Good mix of teens-college-retirees working, so no lip from some KMart flunkie.

The little things all happen, like background music, clean restrooms, and a promised 'you will have a great day' will leave you wanting to come back again.


Monday, January 29, 2001 10:31 AM
You will not be disappointed! Get there early, like 9:00 to 9:15. The park opens in "sections". Heatherdowns,where Nessie is, will be the first to open. Get a few walk on rides on her first, then head to Festa Italia just when it opens and head to Apollo's Chariot. All of the lines move fast, so you can ride BBW and Alpengeist after Apollo's Chariot. The most I have ever waited for AC or Alpengiest is 45 minutes, and that was for the front seat.

Have Fun!!


Monday, January 29, 2001 1:34 PM
About the coasters -- BGW has some VERY good coasters! Apollo's Chariot is top 5 steel quality, Alpengeist, while very good, isn't up in the same league as AC because of the trimming at the top of the lift (it feels SO unnatural) and at the block brakes (slowed it down too much, and the ending, while original, is just lackluster because of the slow speed). Now, as for AC vs. RB, I'd take RB because it has more to it than just ups and downs. AC has some of the longest sustained floating airtime you can find anywhere. But it just doesn't have enough twists and turns to compete with the Bull. Also, the upward helix gets a little old halfway through, but it's still unique. BBW as others have said, is an extremely good coaster. I only rode in the front once but that was enough to cement it as my favorite suspended coaster (been on all US suspendeds except for XLR8). Loch Ness has some great back seat airtime on the first drop and the interlocking loops are really neat. The tunnel is SO COOL! I just laughed the entire time because it just would not end! Longest...tunnel...ever. ;)

The Wild Maus wasn't braked THAT much, but still nowhere near as good as Hershey's. That's about all I've got to say about BGW. It's a darn good park, and I'll finally be able to ride AC and Alp and NIGHT this year! I'm stoked!

If you are looking for trouble, you found it. -- Steven Hawking


Monday, January 29, 2001 4:42 PM

The word I associate most with BGW is "class". I mean, they play PROKOFIEV on the PA system. Like coasterpunk, this is one of our "every year" parks, along with CP, Knoebel's, Kennywood, and IOA - so you can see the company it keeps, at least in our eyes.
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.


Monday, January 29, 2001 5:32 PM
slithernoggin's avatar
BGW is one of the best, and definitely, do not miss Big Bad Wolf. I love my Cedar Point, but BBW beats Iron Dragon coming and going.


Tuesday, January 30, 2001 6:13 PM
BGW is one of the greatest parks ever. Apollo's Chariot is my #3 coaster only behind The Force and Magnum. I rode it 10 times casually in one day. Hit up the single rider's line, the best invention since the lapbar. A word of advice: get there as early as they let you. Go wait till the rope drops and RUN towards Apollo. Once the line gets up to 10 minutes or so, (should be 2-3 rides depending on what day it is) get on the train that is really close to Apollo. Ride it to "ghost town". Ghost Town is what I called the area where Alpie is because I walked on the front and the back (only person in station!). Have fun, ride backseat left side on Apollo, the best seat.
"God gave me a wake up call," RelientK-"Wake Up Call"



Tuesday, January 30, 2001 6:33 PM
Another question - if any of you have ridden Raging Bull's back seats, you know the INCREDIBLE feeling you's hard to explain. It looks like Raging Bull and Apollo have the same type of first you get that same sensation in the back seat as you do on RB during the first drop?

Indiana Beach 2001 - Pictures, Reviews, CornBall Express exclusive information - coming Spring 2001!


Tuesday, January 30, 2001 7:52 PM
I have never ridden the bull but you do get "the feeling" on Apollo's Chariot from the back.
"God gave me a wake up call," RelientK-"Wake Up Call"


Tuesday, January 30, 2001 11:11 PM
I've ridden both coaster (RB and AC) in the back rows and Raging Bulls give more of an intense YANK down, but AC's drop is no slouch. You get air the entire way down, but it doesn't have the initial launch that Bull's has.

At any rate, you will not be disappointed! And take "punks" advice -- ride back left for your first ride and when the third hill comes, lean ALL the way out, it's UNREAL!

If you are looking for trouble, you found it. -- Steven Hawking


Wednesday, February 7, 2001 3:43 PM
The word on the street is that drachen fire had a corkscrew at the end of the ride and it was to intense. after people got off they complained about neck pains and sores. then they got sued and had to close it down.

now i've heard that they have sold it to someone who is willing to take it apart, and fix it to make it ridable

Alpengeist rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*** This post was edited by Alpengeist on 2/7/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Alpengeist on 2/7/2001. ***

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