SFA 9/4 Fright Fest

Associated parks:

Intamin Fan

Monday, October 7, 2002 9:07 PM
(obivously it should say 10/4)
It’s about that time for most of us to get sad. Sad, that is, because it’s Fright Fest and the the end of the coaster season for most of us. Making it down to Six Flags America at 5pm, I met up with my friend Diane. It was nice to see that the park wasn’t that crowded. You can attribute that to the weather being in the low 80’s. When it gets freezing cold, then the park gets mobbed. Go figure. The Rolling Stones were also playing right down the street also.

Looking at the closed ride board, I see that Joker’s Jinx is listed. Last year, that wouldn’t have affected me one way or another, but, this year I was a little upset because of the lapbar modification. I didn’t see anyone working on the ride, so I hope it’ll be open later during Fright Fest. After riding Ride of Steel and Batwing, we run into 2Hostyl. So we walk back towards Ride of Steel and ride again. That’s when Batwing starts having problems. It keeps getting stuck at the top of the lifthill. See, it pays to show up early at your local themepark.

After riding Two Face, Wild One, and Tower of Doom, we checked out Haunted Hall next to Roar. It’s nice to see that they changed it from last year. I was dissapointed that there was no chainsaw at the end though. 2Hostyl took off after this and this allowed Diane and I to check out the rest of the Halloween festivities. First off was the train. To those who’ve never visited SFA, the train is only available to groups having picnics. So this is the one time of the year for us non-picnic group people to enjoy the “haunted” train ride. I don’t know how it’s possible, but it keeps getting worse every year. I don’t think I remember anything remotely scary. The only thing I enjoyed was a different view of S:ROS. That is one tall lifthill.

Next we checked out Joe Romano, an illussionist in the main theatre. For those who’ve been to previous Frightfest, Joe delivers a good show, with some really good tricks, and two beautiful assistants. It’s nice also that he changes things every year.

Returning back to Gotham City, we check out the haunted hayride and no less than four people working on Batwing. The hayride had more potential than the train ride, but it still needed work. The main theme involved lights. We didn’t make it into Coyote Creek, so hopefully I’ll have something for you next time.

Even though the train ride and hayride aren’t spectacular, I highly recommend it to see how much land is available for future development. It’ll blow your mind.
If coasters are your life, than maybe you need to re-examine your life.

*** This post was edited by Intamin Fan on 10/7/2002. ***



Tuesday, October 8, 2002 1:00 PM

Hey I-Fan long time no see!, why am I not surprised to hear that JJ is down yet again. This is the 3rd year in a row that it's been closed for frightfest I wonder what the deal with this ride is any way but it better be running when I go on the 26th..

I also had a feeling that the comments made about the haunted train ride would be bad,I rode the thing once in 99 and can assure everyone that it's certainly not worth the wait in line,also the hayride was changed this year from trail of terror to haunted halloween lights so it is no surprise to see that it's different this year.

You mentioned future development and land availability? there's plenty of land for expansion,384 acres to be exact and it looks like we'll be seeing a new coaster next season as well,I've gotten word that yellow track & blue supports have begun showing up in the area behind Wild one's helix,you have to look fast to see it as you go through the trim brake before the helix,also I've heard that there are markers on the ground in southwest territory.

I'll be at the park on the 26th and will check all of this info out and will post it in my TR.



Tuesday, October 8, 2002 6:00 PM
Joker's Jinx was still down on Sunday when I went to the park, and Batwing operated consistently for the whole time I was there.

Ben Ashley

Tuesday, October 8, 2002 6:12 PM

Well, perhaps SFA has decided to do this since JJ doesn't always run very well in the cold, though it hasn't been very cold lately for the park days. Maybe they just decide to close it no matter what, which kinda stinks.





Tuesday, October 8, 2002 8:54 PM

Yeah,I totally forgot about that little temperature factor.

It kinda stinks in the eye's of management to have a ride that cannot operate below a set temperature but then again SFMM,SFOG and SFGRAM have the same problems with Deja vu.



Wednesday, October 9, 2002 4:26 PM

Good grief I-Fan, where the heck have you been!! I thought for sure you would be at the Coaster Zombies event in September (then you would have been able to ride the train for the picnic - probably only a slightly less exciting ride than the so-called "haunted train").

Batwing experiencing problems and Joker's Jinx closed during Frightfest - what else is new? JJ must not perform well in the cold or something, so they just close it up in September for good, regardless if there are some warm weekends. I hope that you got to ride it this season!

I am happy to hear that Joe Romano performed some new tricks. And you are right about his assistants - they are always super hot! Joe performed magic tricks at my sister's birthday party like 20 years ago, when he was first starting out. Glad to see he has done well for himself and made it to Six Flags America :-)

Was SROS running both trains? I rode the New England version a couple of weeks ago and they were running one - as a matter of fact, the second train was nowhere even to be seen! That seems to be a strange phenomena this time of year - one of Top Gun's trains was missing from PKI two weeks ago (resulting in a ridiculous wait for that ride).

Maybe I'll run into you at SFA this October - watch out for the sniper!




Wednesday, October 9, 2002 4:56 PM

Bad news for S:ROS I'm afraid,I heard that all 3 S:ROS's will remain on single train operation for the remainder of the season which means longer lines for those of us who love this particular coaster.

About the sniper situation,I certainly hope this nut doesn't get it in his head to decide to use SFA as a shooting gallery because if you think about it there are any number of places where he can hide surrounding the park property(keep in mind this guy has a weapon which is accurate from 600 yards away) and I'm actually a bit worried about visiting the park on the 26th and might just have to change plans,hopefully they'll catch this lunatic by then,also as I mentioned in an above post it appears that track & supports were spotted for a new coaster over the weekend.I'll take a chance and post this information in the general forum and see just how quickly the topic ends up getting closed, I'm wondering if anyone who was there and riding the haunted train get a glimpse of the track or supports?



Wednesday, October 9, 2002 4:58 PM
S:RoS was running two trains on Sunday.


Wednesday, October 9, 2002 6:00 PM

Batwing - I heard that rumor about the SROS trains too. Glad to hear that two trains were running at SFA on Sunday though.

I had thought about the sniper and the area around SFA also - especially w/ the shooting of the 13 year old in Bowie. Scary stuff - but that wacko could be just about anywhere. Hope they catch him SOON.




Wednesday, October 9, 2002 9:00 PM

About the shooting...

No one is more releaved than I am that 1) PG County Police are usually stationed at the park whenever it is open (there was one parked in the circle outside the front entrance to the park on Sunday morning) 2) Six Flags checks bags for weapons when you first enter the park (everyone seems to complain about that alot but I personally don't mind it especially when you start hearing about the psycho's running around) 3) I think everyone should be pretty safe once they get inside the park but there are no guarantees this day and age.

*** This post was edited by coasterguts on 10/9/2002. ***



Thursday, October 10, 2002 10:53 AM

Yeah ,they've done a goodf job on security at the main gate in recent years and like you I don't mind having to go through the screening process to insure safety in the park.

About the sniper shootings,there's been yet another sniper murder,this time in Manassas VA not too far from my house and now I'm really hoping the catch this guy.

It's bad enough when you hear of these things in your regional area but it's even more frightening when it happens right in your own backyard.



Friday, October 11, 2002 2:22 PM
This Massaponnex, VA(Spotsylvania County, Fredricksburg) shooting this morning was too much for us, meaning our travel plans are changed. Right now, looking at the TV, I see the gas station the man got shot at, a hotel across the street, what's that? That's the hotel we stay at for PKD! Guess we can wait until some other time to have fun. I mean, I'm all good about security, & I never leave my house with any intentions of avoiding bad neighborhoods or worrying about being "attacked", but this situation is beyond anything anybody's seen. Our plans are for sure taking this into consideration. This last shooting literally happened less than 50-60 yards of the room we last stayed in, just across the street(I'm talking about the Ramada). It would be hard to have any normal kind of "vacation" with this horrible activity taking place.
To all the people in the area, good luck & keep it strong! Nobody is gonna put up with that, he's gotta go.

~See you at PKD NEXT season, @SFA(especially if they add a pet kennel;))



Friday, October 11, 2002 3:15 PM

p_c_r said:
This Massaponnex, VA(Spotsylvania County, Fredricksburg) shooting this morning was too much for us, meaning our travel plans are changed. Right now, looking at the TV, I see the gas station the man got shot at, a hotel across the street, what's that? That's the hotel we stay at for PKD! Guess we can wait until some other time to have fun. I mean, I'm all good about security, & I never leave my house with any intentions of avoiding bad neighborhoods or worrying about being "attacked", but this situation is beyond anything anybody's seen. Our plans are for sure taking this into consideration. This last shooting literally happened less than 50-60 yards of the room we last stayed in, just across the street(I'm talking about the Ramada). It would be hard to have any normal kind of "vacation" with this horrible activity taking place.
To all the people in the area, good luck & keep it strong! Nobody is gonna put up with that, he's gotta go.

~See you at PKD NEXT season, @SFA(especially if they add a pet kennel)

I'm not blaming you for not wanting to come. I have thought an awful lot about not going myself. But here is something to think about, not only did he murder another innocent human being today but now he has forced you change and alter your plans. So essentially he has won three times today, he managed to kill someone, he got away from the cops and now he has managed to altered peoples plans for the weekend. Keep in mind, this guy is killing anyone, it doesn't matter if you are in the parking lot of a super market, a gas station, craft store or school. He could shoot you outside your front home. Then what, do we all stay in our houses? I'm going out on a limb here, I don't think there will be a shooting at SFA this weekend. Unless the sniper is a coaster enthusiast and reads this board.

*** This post was edited by coasterguts on 10/11/2002. ***



Friday, October 11, 2002 5:06 PM
It's not so much a personal fear as it is a courtesy. There's obviously something going on around there unlike anything else. With the I-95 being a major center of what's going on with searches & investigations, my trip to get one last weekend of riding in is VERY unimportant, & I opt to stay away. It has nothing, NOTHING to do with the actual parks or fearing being shot there. These hotels & stops along the interstates there, are the places you stop, eat, gas up, stay, et cetra, when being near PKD/SFA. It's too much of a "risk", you know? I stay out of the way, then I come back with my wife when sick-o is gone-o.

We may still come to Maryland to visit a friend in Glenn Burnie, but SFA, PKD, any of that, I just couldn't bring myself up to it with current events. We may direct ourselves elsewhere, like Scarowinds or something.......



Saturday, October 12, 2002 11:45 AM
I'm surprised Batwing Fan SFA didn't say oh no the sniper might effect SFA getting a coaster and we all know I will die if they don't get one.


Saturday, October 12, 2002 12:11 PM
"I'm surprised Batwing Fan SFA didn't say oh no the sniper might effect
SFA getting a coaster and we all know I will die if they don't get one."

Just what in the world does that mean?



Saturday, October 12, 2002 1:22 PM

medusafanatic said:
I'm surprised Batwing Fan SFA didn't say oh no the sniper might effect SFA getting a coaster and we all know I will die if they don't get one.

That's pretty mean:(




Saturday, October 12, 2002 1:58 PM
I know I guess I got pretty carried away but I'm just sick of him complaining and saying he's sick of them not getting any coasters. What I meant is I'm surprised that he didn't take something very serious and use it to complain about SFA.


Saturday, October 12, 2002 2:27 PM

No I don't think the recent sniper situation will have any effect whatsoever on SFA's plans for 2003 construction and as far as I know the park will remain open for the rest of the season as normal.

Of course the thought of a sniper attack does come to mind with all that's been going on in the past week but now I actually doubt that the sniper would want to take a chance of getting caught or ID'd by hundreds of eyewitnesses in a crowded amusement park and Coasterguts is right in saying that if by us living in fear to even set foot out of our own homes,then this lunatic sniper will have won by making us so terrified to go on with our daily activities as normal.


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