Mike Woodward
Saturday, December 23, 2000 8:08 PM
Hey did you go to Busch gardens do they have a lot of rides?
Saturday, December 23, 2000 8:45 PM
The number 1 park is Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City. Great ticket prices, a beautiful field, and the fountains are the best around. I also have to say Lindo Lake, and Marshall Scotties!
There's also another park I like that has a big hill that people like to complain about.
Agent Johnson
Saturday, December 23, 2000 9:13 PM
All do respect, it was only a show. In my opinion, IOA is too new of a park for the general population to have a feel for. Like when EPCOT opened in Disne. People claimed it was the greatest park in Orlando. But wait, they can't give the place away now. Novelty. Nice park, but you need to keep-a-changing.
Hersheypark, Cedar Point, SFMM, Kennywood, Morey's Piers, Knotts Berry Farm all deploy changing master plans and add rides, games, and food joints month to month. When can any of you remember going to any of those parks and seeing NO changes.
Sunday, December 24, 2000 12:05 PM
I didn't go to Busch Gardens (stinks doesnt it?) but i do hear they have a lot to do there. I think they have like 5 coasters there.
See you in 2001 for twice the fun (hint, hint)
Sunday, December 24, 2000 12:42 PM
Well it depends on what your tastes are, and many other things. Like if you have a family with young kids then I'd say Disney is your best bet. Now, If your like me I'd take CP or Magic Mountain anyday because of the rollercoasters.
Hamburgers are only Hamburgers when people choose to call them Hamburgers.
Sunday, December 24, 2000 2:17 PM
CeDaR PoInT!!!!
Sunday, December 24, 2000 2:26 PM
The problem with voting which park is the best is that it is all based on bias. I am willing to bet that almost no one in this post has been to CP, PKI, MM, SFGA, Disney, IOA, SFO, Kennywood.....etc. My point is, You can only say what park is the best only when you have been to all the major parks in the United States and around the world. Japan and the UK have some outstanding Parks(Alton Towers and Blackpool Pleasure Beach). Personally, I say CP is the best, but I don't know for sure. There are only a select group of people that have been to all of them, which gives them the right to say which park is the best. And even then, their decision is still biased because what one person may like, another does not. Just my 2 cents.
Sunday, December 24, 2000 3:23 PM
Look at my Track Record, then you'll find out my #1!!!:)
~Eric L.~
www.theamazementpark.com AOL Name: Eric24G
Sunday, December 24, 2000 3:32 PM
IRONDRAGON your saying you have never been to another major amusement park so how can you say CP is #1.
#1: Millennium Force
#2: Raging Bull
#3: Tie B:TR/Raptor
#4: Viper (SFGAm)
#5: Goliath/Magnum
Sunday, December 24, 2000 4:03 PM
It's a toss up for me,PKI or BGW.
Wednesday, December 27, 2000 9:12 PM
My favorite coaster park is definetly SFMM, hands down. My favorite park as far as theming goes is
Wednesday, December 27, 2000 9:32 PM
I haven't been to many parks, barely enough to say, but I would have to say one of the most ignored Six Flags park - Six Flags Over Texas. Its got a classic feel and some classic rides!
Friday, December 29, 2000 9:34 PM
PKI is definitely a park that has great thrills in every coaster but a first time rider will be disappointed by the end of Adventure Express and the length of Top Gun. Otherwise it is excellent. ESpecially the underrated Son of Beast. For the theming and quality IOA has(forget about that horrible idea,Storm Force),they're really the best park where everything is actually fun. But so is the Magic Kingdom. The thing I don't like about Cedar Point is Corkscrew(too short,too slow,too much of nothing already seen),Iron Dragon(too slow),Mine Ride(ditto to Corkscrew), and Disaster Transport(ditto again). They have 3 of my top 10 coasters(#1 MF,#4 Raptor,#10 Magnum) so it's still definitely worth the trip. Hard to say a #1.
Saturday, December 30, 2000 1:10 AM
Ahhh, just got back from my favorite place on Earth a few days ago...Islands of Adventure. I agree 100% with that TLC program, IOA beats all other parks, IMO. Funny too, CP is my second fav park, just like on the TLC show. ;) I can just go to IOA and not even RIDE anything and still have the most fun out of most any other parks. It's that good, IMO.
In the future, packages will be sent to distant worlds by BEAMS OF LIGHT! - Space Mountain WDW exit
Wednesday, January 3, 2001 2:12 AM
My favorite park is Knott's Berry Farm (The first theme park in the United States). I like Magic Mountain because I think it has the best coasters put into one park, but the park is always makes me exhausted because its on a mountain side. I don't know if you guys been to Knott's, but it has really cool old time feeling to it. Ghost Town has some really good theming. Ghost Town also makes Knott's a really scary place for Halloween with Halloween Haunt. You don't want to walk on any building porches because it so dark and foggy and you don't know what is lurking around on them. I'm very excited that Cedar keeps putting in rides, Ghostrider is the best coaster I've been on because it gives some good air time in the back row. At night at the park they have the light show, and I must say what park will play a song that says proud to be an American and show scenes of American history on the water. It also doesn't have the crowds to get you mad. So keep putting thrill rides in at Knott's Cedar.
Wednesday, January 3, 2001 5:00 PM
Magic Mountain!!!!
Wednesday, January 3, 2001 5:18 PM
I have to pick Cedar Point first.
Being this past summer was my first visit,the rides were excellent,the hospitality wonderful and the scenery is breathtaking!
Hershey Park comes in second with its great rides and it not too expensive(the games are still 1.00 to play)
Then PKI a third.With great rides too and some really great coasters.
Dorney Park has put a sour taste in my mouth from past years.
From the lack of security(we watched a huge fight break out in the Steel Force line)and all of the line jumping,I'll try it again this year for the last time to see if anything has changed.
But nothing compares to the point as of yet..NOTHING.
Wednesday, January 3, 2001 9:44 PM
Wasn't Holiday World the first themed park. Then shortly after Disney?
timbobarry said:
"My favorite park is Knott's Berry Farm (The first theme park in the United States)."
2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer
AOL & MSN IM Name: coasterpunk
*** This post was edited by coasterpunk on 1/3/2001. ***
Thursday, January 4, 2001 4:41 PM
On the subject on how long to spend at IOA, it really only takes a day... the first time I went there, got there at 10 and was done by 5, and that included riding both dragons at least 3 times, hulk twice, and most of the other rides at least twice also. The only thing is, the coasters are so great you will want to come back the next day and ride them again! But, since your in the neighborhood, you should stop by Sea World and ride Kraken, or take an hour drive to Busch Gardens Tampa for some excellent coasters!
Top Steel Coasters
1-Millenium Force
2-The Incredible Hulk
4-Dueling Dragons
Thursday, January 4, 2001 4:43 PM
my top three parks
1. IOA
2. BGW
3. CP