Uh Oh


Sunday, July 14, 2002 3:49 PM

Please excuse me for posting such a stupid thread. I apologize and I take all responsibility for it.

So pardon me please.

*** This post was edited by kRaXLeRidAh on 7/14/2002. ***



Sunday, July 14, 2002 3:50 PM
OOOO thats gotta hurt Jeffrey.

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone



Sunday, July 14, 2002 3:51 PM
Soggy's avatar
Way to go Jeff, you're famous! Keep up the good work, dude.

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!



Sunday, July 14, 2002 4:01 PM
Way to go Jeff! Your known throughout the coaster world! I hope you don't ban me for this! LOL :)


Sunday, July 14, 2002 4:02 PM
Man who said this.

-Sean Newman
88 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC Coaster # 100 in July.
Nitro Laps:105
B+R Launches:28



Sunday, July 14, 2002 4:02 PM
I just love the part about how Jeff does mass bannings for the heck of it.. Like I really believe that...


Sunday, July 14, 2002 4:07 PM

Im sure it was you who had posted that, kraxlerida. otherwise, why did you bring it up? like Jeff would care what you think



Sunday, July 14, 2002 4:13 PM
I think everyone's name starting with Z should be banned. Since Jeff just bans people for fun! Way to go Jeff you are an evil dicator now! I want to grow up to be just like you!


Sunday, July 14, 2002 4:17 PM

MikeMir87 said:
OOOO thats gotta hurt Jeffrey.

No, I would bet Jeff could care less about what that person thinks about him, especially if they are chicken s enough to flame him on another board.



Sunday, July 14, 2002 4:51 PM
Do you really believe Jeff cares one bit? NOPE.

Now with Theme Park Chat!



Sunday, July 14, 2002 5:40 PM
That should tell you something about Coasterforum.com.

Off with the trims!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!



Sunday, July 14, 2002 6:11 PM

Dunk said:

Im sure it was you who had posted that, kraxlerida. otherwise, why did you bring it up? like Jeff would care what you think

No, it wasn't me. You can find it at www.coasterforum.com

A CoasterForum Member



Sunday, July 14, 2002 6:22 PM

Yeah real funny kraxle, try to cause more hostility on another board. I would guess that's one of your friends sucking up the mods over there, but I doubt you have any so it's probably you under another screenname. Funny, just the other day a few of my friends did that and were banned for it. Maybe I should just report this to the mods over there for you. And another thing, with the recent and reasonable complaints of not generalizing topic names, don't waste our time by calling a topic "uhoh" and expecting everyone to read about your little antics.

EDIT: Another thing; I know it's entirely up to Jeff, but if I were him I wouldn't appreciate the promotion of another site the way you have a link to coasterforums in your sig.

-Frank Oldwoman
51 coasters in Track Record!! Sky Princess #53 in October.
Nitro Laps:0
B+R Launches:0

*** This post was edited by franklelock86 on 7/14/2002. ***



Sunday, July 14, 2002 6:24 PM

sure it wasnt you, kraxlerida.

wink wink


Raging Rider

Sunday, July 14, 2002 6:27 PM

bigkirby said:
That should tell you something about Coasterforum.com.

Off with the trims!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!

Hey, don't bash CoasterForum for some idiots comment. Anyway, that's a bunch of bull****. Both CoasterBuzz and CoasterForum are great, and that's one idiot's opinion and a lie. Hail to Jeff, :~D.

Top books:"Rusty Bedsprings" by I.P. Nitely,"Half-Mile to the Outhouse" by Willy Maykit and Betty Wont, and "Spots on the Wall" by Huflung Pu.



Sunday, July 14, 2002 7:00 PM
Hey Leave Kraxiel Ridah alone!!!

The Coaster Site geared toward you!


Mark B.

Sunday, July 14, 2002 8:29 PM
This whole case (at both CF and CB) is a riot. Kraxlerida makes people mad over at CF and when they do somthing to him, he makes a big deal about it and those guys get banned. Then in a thread at CF when people were saying that the banning of those members was unfair, it was mentioned that (I havent been here long enough to know if its true) Jeff bans lots of members for doing somthing that violates the TOS, even though its minor. Kraxlerida then relizes that no one is standing up for him at CF so he comes to CB where, as you can guess, no cares what he says. Thus showing Kraxlerida that he will get no support at either site with his current ways so he goes back to CF to call Jeff a dictator to try to gain support from all of the people at CF who has been banned or insulted from Jeff. Stay tuned for the next move Kraxlerida makes in order to get more people to like him.


Sunday, July 14, 2002 8:49 PM
Robocoaster's avatar
He kRaCKeD all right........


Sunday, July 14, 2002 11:48 PM

Like sands through the hourglass...

So are the days of the buzz.




Monday, July 15, 2002 12:05 AM
Jeff's avatar
I don't know what the original link said, and frankly, I don't care. While you guys were wasting time with this high school nonsense I was getting drunk and cuttin' da rug at a friend's wedding. While I was grinding with hot chicks, beer in hand below the disco lights, some kids are sitting in their underwear in front of a computer screen scratching their ass and getting hot and bothered about a bunch of people they'll never meet on some stupid Web sites.

Now think really hard if I am to be bothered by anything said.

People would have a lot more fun in online communities if they'd stick to the topic at hand instead of worrying about what the site owner is doing with the place. People get so damn wrapped up in personalities that they're incapable of avoiding pissing contests and worrying about who has bigger genitals.

Jeff - (who actually feels much better about his hangover now)
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"


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