Michigan Adventure 7-13-02 TR ST! ST! ST! LOONGGG

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Sunday, July 14, 2002 9:40 AM

First I must admit, I am a 40 year old man who drives witha Sponge Bob hanging from my rear view mirror. Took the long 5 1/2 hour drive with my son and two other 12-13 year olds to MA. Got to the park just before opening. I was just amazed how clean and well kept the park looked. You could definatly see that this park is under good management. (Thank You Cedar Fair.) As soon as the barricade tape was down we started our day on Zach's zoomer. What A nice junior out and back. Nothing too eventful, but still very enjoyable. Then we skipped (yes, literally skipped) over to the Corkscrew. Heard the nice taped message running on the audio system...more on that later...and could not believe how great the staff was. Always smiling and very efficient. Again hats off to the staff at MA. Corkscrew was as it was...a corkscrew...fairly smooth and suprising with the dip after the chain lift. Nice ride.

Hopped (no, kinda a slow run) over to the Mad Mouse. I rode one of these at SFKK earlier this year and realized 2 things. These dumb coasters can still scare me and the brakes are killers. Yet none the less we got on and I was totally surpised by the difference, I was still scared on the top curves, but they did not hit the brakes like the RR @ SFKK. Made for a great ride! Stupidly enough, these are just fun little machines. And (you will get tired of hearing this) great people at the helm.

It was then time to do what we came here to do....Looming at the end of park was a lot of wood looking to make a shrine to the camlback...Shivering Timbers. Short wait (15 min) which included a taped message over the PA. The ride op was also talking over the music. Then I heard, "Let me know if you think the music should go" and the station erupted. Chearing and yelling. It was just like I remember the days of Magnum at CP. The gay chrous would sing no more. Thank You. The ride op took over and made sure our lap bars were down, our feet were behind the yellow line, our seat belts were bucked and our attitude was right to face the timbers. (none of which the gay singers on the tape said) And kudos to the entire staff on ST. You can just tell when people know their job and enjoy doing it. The ride announced that he would probably get in trouble for shutting the (I'll be nice and won't say gay) taped and generic music off, but all agreed it was a good decision none the less. After a short calculation, it was figured that we would be on the green train and before long...We were climbing. In ther back seat we were taken over the first hill.

God Bless America for allowing parks like this to grow and God Bless CCI. May you never faulter, May you never fail, and you always look fear in the eyes. Having ridden many CCI's in the midwest, I just praise these people. Anyone who can say anything bad about this coaster will never find true happiness in life. I pity thoses people. Trekking around the U.S. and saying bad things about great coasters....pity.)

Two more rides in the front and back and being invited to cheer yourselves in and out of the station really set the attitude for a great ride. :-)

Quick break for a drink (great staff people insert here) while noticing how clean this park is. Nice. Then noticing that the wilcat (sorry, from Ohio, can't promote the Wolverine part) was right here, we noticed one train operation and a long line. Three spoiled pre teen boys decided to go back later. Hit the boat. OK, It was a boat ride.(Great customer service again) And it was noticed that the water park was opened. If you wanted to see me at the park, I was the one 50-100 feet behing three kids yelling, WALK, I said WALK! I insisted we ride the Big Dipper. (Just A COUNT) For a kiddie coaster intended to wean the young into wanting to ride more as they grow, this little coaster (insert favorite obsenity here) bites. Ouch, Umphh, Bump, Ouwee, and we have to do it again. Yes, a little on the rough side. Try some padded seats maybe.

Water park time...Great water park, wierd layout but lots to do. (And some of the friendliest employees , did I mention that?)

Ate pizza at the wildwater adventure, a delicious little black crunchy pizza. and Nachos. Priced well and the staff was very efficient and the whole area so clean.

Flats time, including the Trabant (OK) the Tilt-a-Whirl (the best) the fling trapeeze(four people lost three shoes, one which landed in the forbidden zone outside the fence. Superb Customer service as we asked an employee to retrive it. Who said he may get in trouble for crossing the fence, but none the less did get the shoe and a short story about the record keeping for shoe distance on the ride.

A thunderbolt spin and a walk to the Wildcat. What a suprise when I thought i would compare this coaster to Zac's zoomer. Great ride with the double up double down. Trick track and lots of rarely used elements on this ride that provided everything you need in a good coaster. ( And a smiling helpful group of MA employees to get you in and out)

Back to ST and a few more attaboys to CCI. Although the ride op was doing his job, the staff was doing thier job, the crowd was orderly getting on the trains and off the trains. BLAH....I know why this just didn't have the same feel as before. THE TAPE WAS PLAYING AGAIN. Stop It . Please. Get a refund on the Tape recorder. Give the Ride Back To The People. Wow. We have the power and the technology to produce some of the best employees in Cedar Fair history and you want them to become robots. Stop the insanity!(Flame flame on the tape...please continue this Flame on your own until someone gets the point)

Anyway back to the water park till they kicked us out. Played some games, bought stuff (super people in the shops :-) and left.

that is my latest TR. Coaster count now at 56. Next stop in August. Lesourdsville Lake. CeeYA

Behold the Power of Cheese!
Careful, Treat them right. CCI's don't grow on trees you know.



Sunday, July 14, 2002 9:54 AM
NIce TR! I've never heard a bad review about ST!

-Sean Newman
88 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC Coaster # 100 in July.
Nitro Laps:105
B+R Launches:28



Sunday, July 14, 2002 11:14 AM
CPLady's avatar
I have heard bad reviews for ST, but I don't understand them. Thank goodness the autospiel for Timbers is going away. I really do think the ride ops add to this ride.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead



Sunday, July 14, 2002 1:02 PM

CPLady said:
I have heard bad reviews for ST, but I don't understand them. Thank goodness the autospiel for Timbers is going away. I really do think the ride ops add to this ride.

Me nether! They must have been somkin’ too many crack rocks on the way up.

Yeah no more autospiel!!!

“If you give a enthusiast a footer.......He’ll want a coaster!!!"


Charles Nungester

Sunday, July 14, 2002 11:53 PM

I visited MIA back in aug of 2001, While I liked ST It wasn't the end all of coasterdom. Of course it was 102* and I had driven since three in the morning to find Fun Spot closed so I went on up to MIA very tired and not really in park mode.

FF to Timbersfest 2002, Just add friends! Last year I did not have alot of fun at MIA. It is so obvious to you if you visited in the past just how much improvement has been done to the park. Yes they still need shade but trees don't grow instantly.

We basically only rode Timbers about 4 times durring the day before ERT at 8pm and rob had the same opininion as I had of it. Good coaster but not great.

ERT, The more we rode, The more we liked it. The later it got the faster it went and more airtime it gave. It got to the point that just before 11pm, I was holding on with both hands and still getting my feet pulled off the floor on every single hill and every single drop!

I left Timbersfest with a I love this ride attitude and putting it at the very top among those elite few I deem TOTALLY SUPERIOR RIDE.

Super secret seat is 1-2 as you get more air their than in the front seat. Also the back seat is excellent.

Chuck, who is trying to figure how to do Timbersfest again next year.

Charles Nungester
Lesourdsville Lake, The great American amusement park opens the season June 6th Thurs-Sun every week. Park phone is (513)539-2193



Monday, July 15, 2002 1:09 AM
1-2 is the supersecret seat. The seatbelts are longer! The wait is almost a walkon. Now I blew it....Oh well, 2-1 is the farthest I can ever stand. That is a walkon every time. This is a great coaster for anyone that loves woodies and gets a real kick out of airtime. Hills 2, 3 and 4 rock for major airtime where you can hear the wheels leave the track for seconds at a time. Just the sound, the feeling....incredible. I have never ridden some of the other great woodies to put them back to back with ST. Which would you consider to be the GREATS? I will be going to PKI in 2 weeks and look forward to the beast and SOTB for some comparison. Will I be disappointed?

*** This post was edited by timberguy on 7/15/2002. ***



Monday, July 15, 2002 9:56 AM
CPLady's avatar

ST definitely runs best in cooler temps. I wouldn't say it is the end all of coasterdom, but ST is #1 on my limited woodie list specifically for the airtime.

It's difficult for me to compare the Beast to it, tho. Two different coasters with very different rides, IMO. The Beast has a lot of laterals and suprises, but is a rougher ride. I prefer the Beast at night.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead



Monday, July 15, 2002 1:02 PM

The beast at night is pure insanity!! Not as good during the day but riding it at night is a experence in a leauge of it's own!

Son of Beast was fun but a tad rough for a newer woodie (2001), seemed like you never stoped turing. On the plus side the loop and first drop are great!!

“If you give a enthusiast a footer.......He’ll want a coaster!!!"



Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:02 PM

I guess my CCI did not come true......Long live CCI's and the legecy left behind.


Behold the Power of Cheese!
Careful, Treat them right. CCI's don't grow on trees you know.


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