No seriously, I've been talking to the Cedar Fair CFO

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

[Ed. note: A great many people have pointed out that no amount of searching on the Internet turns up any significant results about Destiny Capital or its credibility, track record or resources as an investor, which is not surprising given that it appears to have been created specifically for the purpose of buying out Cedar Fair. But there also aren't a lot of results on the part of its founders. Given the questionable credibility of the NY Post and The Sandusky Register, frankly I suggest taking any of this as a grain of salt. -J]

Despite Kinzel's denial, Robert McDuff Sr., CEO of Destiny Capital, said his company had been in talks with Cedar Fair for the last two weeks and agreed to keep Kinzel and other top officials on board if a deal is made. "Me and Peter Crage have been communicating through e-mail and phone," McDuff said. "It's just in the early stages."

Read more from The Sandusky Register.

Comments: 27
