Cedar Fair delays unitholder meeting for Apollo deal vote

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

[Ed. note: The following is part of an unedited press release. -J]

Cedar Fair, L.P. (NYSE: FUN), a leader in regional amusement parks, water parks and active entertainment, today announced that, pursuant to the terms of the merger agreement with affiliates of Apollo Global Management, the special meeting of unitholders to consider and vote on the merger agreement, which had been scheduled for March 16, 2010, has been postponed. The special meeting of unitholders will now be held on April 8, 2010. Additional information regarding the meeting, including time and location, will be provided at a later date.

The special meeting has been postponed for the purpose of soliciting additional votes and proxies and giving unitholders additional time to consider and vote on the proposed acquisition. During this time, unitholders will continue to be able to vote their units, or to change their previously cast votes.

Cedar Fair unitholders are reminded that their vote is extremely important, no matter how many or how few units they own. Unitholders are advised that if they have any questions or need any assistance in voting their units, they should contact Cedar Fair’s proxy solicitor, Mackenzie Partners, Inc., toll-free, at 1-800-322-2885.

Read the entire press release from Cedar Fair.

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