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Orlando, FL
Scoring game
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metallik voted for a post in the topic: Banshee Trains Bump
MDOmnis voted for a post in the topic: Banshee Trains Bump
BrettV voted for a post in the topic: Banshee Trains Bump
0g voted for a post in the topic: Banshee Trains Bump
Jeff made a post in the topic: Banshee Trains Bump
arw84 voted for a post in the topic: GTA came and went and nobody noticed….
hambone voted for a post in the topic: GTA came and went and nobody noticed….

Champion News Contributor

Over 100 news items contributed and published.

Conversation Starter

This person has started quite a few topics.

500 Posts

This person has made more than 500 posts.

1000 Posts

This person has made 1,000 posts.

Amateur Photographer

At least 10 photos contributed and approved.

Professional Photographer

Over 50 photos contributed and approved.
