Avatar image robotfactory

Portland, Oregon
Scoring game
Tommytheduck voted for a post in the topic: Oaks Park New Roller Coaster Leak?
Jeff voted for a post in the topic: Oaks Park New Roller Coaster Leak?
sirloindude voted for a post in the topic: Oaks Park New Roller Coaster Leak?
robotfactory made a post in the topic: Link Display Bug?
robotfactory started a new topic: Link Display Bug?
Jeff voted for a post in the topic: Cedar Point to retire Snake River Falls
Jephry voted for a post in the topic: Kings Island Announces Soap Box Racers
LostKause voted for a post in the topic: Kings Island Announces Soap Box Racers
hambone voted for a post in the topic: Kings Island Announces Soap Box Racers
cmwein voted for a post in the topic: Kings Island Announces Soap Box Racers
BrettV voted for a post in the topic: The Click-Bait Headline Thread
eightdotthree voted for a post in the topic: The Click-Bait Headline Thread
robotfactory made a post in the topic: Holiday World Gravy Boat

Beta Tester

Helped to test new features of the forum or the site.
