Zonga on its way out at SFMW

According to xtremecoastin.com Zonga looks to be on its way out.


If i remember correctly, wasnt this ride a travelling attraction in Germany and then sent to Astroworld before Marine World?

Seems like Six Flags is trying to dump the junkyard/boneyard crap lately. Shapiro even mentions the "boneyard" park in Indiana during the confence call.

According to that picture, looks like the rumors are true. Maybe it will go to a park that will restore it to it's former glory, or maybe back to the German fair circuit, where it's probably still missed.
john peck's avatar
What would it take to take the ride back to what it once was? What was truely wrong with it?
Rumour has it that the main fault of it's SFMW installation was that it's not earthquake safe.

airtime for everyone
beast7369's avatar
If that rumor was true then how did they even get it open in the first place?

The good news IMHO is they are taking it down by crane and not a blow torch.

While I doubt it will return to a north american park, Someone will pick it up.


My guess is that, if it is infact going to be relocated to another park, It will be headed to one of those smaller "mom "n' pop" locations. Like what happened with some of SFAW's coasters.
Didn't they raise the first drop on that coaster? People that I know that rode it as Thriller still say this was the most intense steel coaster on the planet. If it were to be restored to it's former glory, that would mean relocating it back to Europe probably.
^^Two of SFAW's coasters were sent off to a couple of their midsized parks,SFDL recieved B:TR,SFA recieved Ultratwister & TGE recieved the SLC.

Didn't a park in Texas manage to get hold of GL as well as mayan mindbender?

^^Two of SFAW's coasters were sent off to a couple of their midsized parks,SFDL recieved B:TR,SFA recieved Ultratwister & TGE recieved the SLC.

Didn't a park in Texas manage to get hold of GL as well as mayan mindbender?

Yup, Mayan Mindbender is @ Wonderland in Amarillo.

GL is at Joyland in Lubbock.

I don't think either have been reconstructed as of yet.

Mamoosh's avatar
New at SFA in 2007 - Zonga! ;)
No more Six Flags parks for that thing! Even though they're building a Flying Turns, Knoebels needs a steel looping coaster. So does Kennywood. And Coney Island :)

Mamoosh said:
New at SFA in 2007 - Zonga! ;)

No, no, no. They're sending half of the ride to SFA and will name it "Zon". The other half will land at SFEG and be called "Ga".

Na wait, SFA already has one hunk of junk sitting in its boneyard (Ultra Twister)... let SFFT have this one...

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

rollergator's avatar
Well, the giant "Piece of Steel" sitting across the street from SFDL's RoS won't be sitting idle long...the happy kids of Buffalo will soon be able to STAND up and hurt themselves on a LOUSY Intamin product...to complement the *fantastic* one they have now...

Batman: Escape it NOW!

Well, theme parks DO need balance!
Mamoosh's avatar
LOL BigBoy! I can't believe I missed the obvious joke considering the original [Shock/Wave] came from me ;)
That was a joke? I was banking on that becoming reality!
rollergator's avatar
^At least Anton knew about "banking"...

Or, as I put it riding SFDL's monstrous Arrow headbanger, "Why wasn't Ron Toomer born to Joan Crawford....NO WIRE HANGERS!"... ;)

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