Zipper+Coaster=BurningMan2002 Ride

Mamoosh's avatar
Check out movie #2 here. That is just totally wrong in so many ways....and I wish I could ride it ;)


Don't believe everything you think. - bumper sticker seen on 4/19/03

If that can't induce vomiting I don't know what will.

And this was all created from a bunch of beer drinkers? That is to funny. Who says alcohol cant make you creative? :)

Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"

That's just CWAZY! I'd love to ride it once.

And only once.

I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest


I think even Stan Checkets would refuse to build this. This looks soo sick. I want one!

i was a teenage rollercoaster designer

That looks awsome! It combines two of my favorite things, coasters and fire!

But seriously, I would love to ride it a few times.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, roller coasters (Homer Style)

I think I feel dinner coming up...

Jeff's Stalker
My K'Nex Coasters
Spring has arrived in Ohio...the Orange Barrels are blooming

I've always wondered what burning puke smelled like.

All who think Mean Streak needs a match taken to it say I.

Nothing like a Pyromaniac Buzzer to warm the soul ;)

Ah what the hell.....Magnum What?

S:ROS blew me away

That's crazy!! Let's just thank the designers of "X" for not spinning riders that fast...

"Jessica, you're turning me into a criminal, when all I want to be is a petty thug." -Bart Simpson

Ya know, knowing the g's chaos pulls when you hit the bottom face down, I can only imagine what this thing does.

Ah what the hell.....Magnum What?

S:ROS blew me away

you think that is sick check out how much they spin in video 3

I am one.
I am Turbo.

nasai's avatar
Oh man... I love the Zipper! This ride is just nutso. Absolutely nutso. Hello Burning Man 2003! ;)
I don't take offense to idiots. I am an idiot. Hear me roar.
Mamoosh's avatar
According to the guy who built the ride it's sitting in his backyward in lower Michigan.

Don't believe everything you think. - bumper sticker seen on 4/19/03

rollergator's avatar
So I guess Brent gets the first ride....IF he survives, *then* I'll think about it....;)
"Brian, there's a message in my AlphaBits, it says 'ooooooo'"
"Peter, those are Cheerios"....Family Guy is BACK!!!

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