your greatest moment

Going on my first coaster, Deuling Dragons! Since then I have had fun coasting from south to north.
P.S. It was DD Fire.
"FEAR the Four!"
Jephry's avatar
1. My first Loop, Top Gun at Paramonts Great america

2 Getting the curage up to ride Magnum, after that I was okay with all coasters

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point
Either Opening night at SFO, or a rainy night in June at SFO where I rode Villain in the back seat 5 times without leaving the train
I had a epiphany on Goliath earlier this year, I will try to describe it.

It was a hot day, and my legs were sore. I had a cramp in my thigh, my feet hurt, the fans weren't on, and I was feeling sick from environmental allergies. We finally made it into the station, and I was just dying of allergies when I sat down in the back seat. My eyes were watering, my ears had sharp pains, and my sinuses were a mess.

Going up the lift hill, I still felt bad, my legs still hurt, and I was still suffering from allergies, but my feet felt better. We reached the top and I saw a beautiful landscape(characteristic of SFMM), "Maybe this will be better than I thought"... I was worrying that my sickness would effect my opinion of Goliath in a NEGATIVE way, boy was I wrong.

Going down the first drop, and I do not exaggerate, (every time) thrilled me more than my 36 300' drops on MF. It was just euphoria. When I got back to the station, I was healed! No cramps, no sinus pain, no nothing. It was if Goliath sensed my delight and channeled it into a healing experience. Soaring high off my seat over the 700 foot long camelback, I realized I was feeling better than I had felt in a long, long time...

That moment, jumping off into the loading platform, I was reminded just why I ride rollercoasters.
I have had so many amazing moments. I can't pick one.
Riding the Montu in POURING rain front seat

Millennium Force, last overbank

Magnum, I fell in love with roller coasters the second that train tried to dump me right out

The look of sheer awe when the Vortex threw me, OUT OF MY SEAT then jerked me to the side

Pure terror first time the Outer Limits

Shivering Timbers, walk on, front seat, start to finish, euphoria

Utter amazement at the Big Bad Wolf

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
Craig makes a good point about Outer Limits... I remember being so terrified of that launch... It was a helluva lot better when it was pitch black.
Holiday world for the first time this year....
Both coasters BLEW me away (especially Legend).

My first ride on the Beast, in complete darkness

Kumba-----my first B&M
Jeff's avatar
I just had mine Friday. A night ride, front seat, on The Force. The weather was right, the people around me were right, and the airtime was the most forceful (pun intended) I've ever felt... it was like some other ride. It was followed by several moments of zen (influenced by alcohol) lying in the sand on the beach in the moonlit shadow of Magnum. Another priceless memory...

Webmaster/Admin -
I was 12 yrs old when I waited 4hrs to ride the first stand-up coaster in the world, the King Cobra at PKI.
Well let's see, although I've had many good experiences (RAGING BULL ALL THE WAY BABY!), my best was probably my first looping coaster. It's called the Afterburner at Fun Spot Park in Angola, IN. It's a simple arrow shuttle, that unfortunately, because of the dip sticks, I mean um, nice people at that park, is no longer in operation since they didn't maintain it too well.
All I remember is being launched out of the station at what felt like 50 mph, and then flying down and enourmous drop (my only previos coasters had been wild cat types). I still remember looking over at my brother who was grinning and having just a dandy time while I was literally screaming at the top of my lunges "I'M GONNA DIE, HOLY CRAP! I'M GONNA DIE".
*sigh* ah... those kodak moments! :)

Lightning Loops and Rolling thunder @ 4years old. First day working at SFGA in 1995 and riding viper all day to test the ride before it was open to the public.
Definitly my first night ride on MF, a crystal clear moonless night, I felt like I was in some kind of bizarre planetarium as we ascended the lift hill.

Pittsburgh, PA
A night ride on MF that by all rights, we should not have gotten, except for the breakdowns while we waited. The wait was supposed to be 2 hours, which would have gotten us on the ride just at sunset, but it turned into more like 2 hours and 45 minutes. That 45 minutes made all the difference. It was awesome during the day, but coming off that thing in the pitch black moonlit night cannot be beat. Coming in second would be my first ever MF ride that morning, where we managed to snag 5-1 and I finally knew what airtime REALLY is.

"Brak presents the Brak show starring Brak!!!"
I've had several on-ride moments that stand out (in no particular order):

First ride on MF and first ride on MF at night.
The airtime of ST.
First launched ride: Hulk.
Riding B:TR at SFGAm when it opened. I still love inverteds better than any other style.
The overall experience of Viper at SFGAm. A fantastic overall ride.
This past weekend at PKI riding The Beast at night in the front seat. Pure intensity.

And for my best non-ride moment:
Learning my bride loves coasters as much as I do. Now we have one more thing to share.

"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious." - Brendan Gill
Had to be my night ride on SFDl's S:Ros. I had been on S:Ros at least 30 other times but never was able to get a night ride because somebody "has to go to work the next day". Well, I finally went with a friend on my own (once I was 18 and had a car), and I said before we left "if we don't do anything else this whole day, we ARE riding S:Ros at night, in the front." We only rode S:Ros one other time that whole day due to single train operation. 8:00 rolled around and I said to get in line now, because the line was about 1:45 long and it would be dark be the time we got on. I was right and 1:43 later, we were sitting front row, red train, I was on the outside. It started to drizzle a little and the train departed. Looking at the sky, we could see the outline of the lift and moving train in the low coulds from the floodlights. The mist machines were going full force at the bottom and there was no wind at all. Cresting the hill was awesome. I can only the describe the rest as INTENSE. S:Ros was powerfull, I didn't remember it ever being like this. 2 minutes and 9 seconds later (my friend timed it), we arrived at the station totally breathless. We had adrenaline in us the whole drive home. Great way to end my riding for the year.
I have a few also:

Being absolutely terrified the first time I saw a train launch on Batman and Robin: the Chiller, then, after riding, wanting to do it again, and again...

On S:ROS @ Darien Lake this summer:

Riding in the front seat, the last train of the night, going up the lift hill, and just as we got to the top, the first firework from the laser show went off. Seeing the fireworks as we came back to an empty station, it was just amazing.

Then, a couple weeks later, it was 8:30 pm, after a storm, they only opened superman back up. There was no one there, except for the people on the train, and we rode 13 times, in the (sometimes) pouring rain. Very intense. We were all soaked.

Last time at Darien Lake, we rode superman 37 times mostly without getting off from about 5:30 to 10. I was so happy, I couldn't stop babbling when we left.

I really appreciate the fact that those in charge at SFDL actually kept superman open those times, when it probably would have been easier just to close it. Both times it was the only ride still open at the park, and there really weren't that many guests left. THat last time, they actually had to call other emloyees over to ride, to fill up the train. (They wouldn't let it run that night with more than 5 seats empty). So thanks to all the Superman attendents for making my greatest moments possible!

Intamin all the way!
I've also had several, but the three that stick out in my mind the most are my first looping coaster ever in The Demon at PGA, my first ride on Medusa at SFMW and my first hypercoaster experience in Goliath. I was about 8 when I rode The Demon for the first time. It was back in 1983. My brothers girlfriend took me up on it and I was scared out of my mind watching the cars make the two loops. We got on and I just closed my eyes. I opened them right before the drop and from that point on I have loved riding coasters.

This year back in July I had my first ride on Medusa. Going up the first hill hanging over the track is very cool. When the train my fiancee and I were on crested the 150ft hill and sped into the massive loop, I was in total bliss. That ride is definately one of the best in California, if not THE best. Seriously smooth and seriously awesome.

The last one is my first ride on Goliath. I had never been on a hypercoaster and was a little nervous about riding it due to my latent fear of high places. My friend and I waited for about 20 minutes on a hot Friday morning in July to ride that monster. If you've ever been to Magic Mountain in July, 20 minutes in that heat feels like eternity, especially when you're used to 65-70 degree weather in the summer. Anyways, we get on the ride and start up the hill. And we keep going up. And up. And we're still going up some more. I saw my car in the parking lot. It looked like a child's toy. I think I even saw my house in the Bay Area. When we hit the crest and saw the first few cars roll over and heard the screams, I just grabbed onto the lap bar and screamed like a little school girl. It was unreal. I was in a state of euphoria coming out of the tunnel and into the first turn. The ending of the ride and the awesome airtime in the middle was amazing. Goliath is truly what a hypercoaster should be.

Anyways, sorry about the length. There's my long winded story. Pe挀攀⸀  㰀椀洀最 猀爀挀㴀∀⼀昀漀爀甀洀猀⼀椀洀愀最攀猀⼀猀洀椀氀攀⸀最椀昀∀ 戀漀爀搀攀爀㴀∀ ∀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 㰀戀爀㸀䴀攀搀甀猀愀 愀琀 䴀愀爀椀渀攀 圀漀爀氀搀㨀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 椀渀 琀栀攀 眀攀猀琀℀
My second ride on MF. The first was great, but the second ride I got 1-2, and the ride was flying. (it was about 4PM..the track was really warmed up). The forces and airtime and sheer power just hit me all at once, and I walked off with such a grin, and such a feeling of satisfaction and amazement that I left the park at 4:30 without riding anything more.

First time on MF, late in the day(4 PM). No amount of hype could prepare me for that first drop. That, or the twentyfive night rides in a row on Superman:ROS@SFA at the Zombies invasion:)
Where would we be without the rumor mill?
For me, it was the 1st time I ever experienced a roller coaster. I was 7 years old and the ride was the Cedar Point Blue Streak (before they "modernized" it). Just the thrill of not knowing what to expect, since it was my first roller coaster ride of all time, makes this memory stand out. I remember riding with my mother, 3 aunts and an uncle, and we all sat in three near seats. Everyone was watching me to see how I was handling it, and I really loved it. Even though I was only seven years old, and I was still at the stage where I thought girls had cooties, when I left the station after the ride was over, I experienced for the first time what it feels like to be in love. This experience turned me into a coaster-lover.

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