Your dream job

Although I am only in junior high, I hope and plan on becoming a rc designer. I actually have some good designs. I am working on my first totally complete coaster, height, banking, and all that good stuff. It's going to be intense(wooden twister).
I'd like to actualy design the layouts of coasters. Wood more so than steel. And convulted GCI styles than CCI's.

Although my current job isn't too bad. I imangine every few years I'll get to help to erect the steel coasters and flat rides at Hershey. I guess thats not so bad. The pays pertty good as well.
2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer
Even though the life of business has taken me over, I do confess that I have not gone a day without creating my track designs and concepts for new roller coasters. I even have my company name picked out, however I can't tell you anything about it. For fear that you might steal them and cash them in for your own sick, twisted means.
What is life without geniuses?
ACEerCG's avatar
Control systems is where I would love to be. Automation of the controls, blocking, and everything else like that just fascinates me so much.

James Draeger
'00 CP Trips: 23
C G & C P
I am trying to learn as much about coasters, math, physics, anything related, to try and work with coasters as my job.
"FEAR the Four!"

ACEerCG said:
"Control systems is where I would love to be. Automation of the controls, blocking, and everything else like that just fascinates me so much.

Same here. If I'd pursued it earlier I might even have GOTTEN such a position -- my degree is in computer engineering, and I have relevant realtime systems experience. Hmmm, maybe it's not too late ;)

Jeff's avatar
My dream job would be to actually make a living with this site. Sure beats working.

Webmaster/Admin -
For me, I'd like to build the coasters for that particular season. But it has to be the steel coasters.

Bill Yost a.k.a. THE BEASTtmaster

Can you take me higher? (CREED)
For me it would have to be designing coasters for parks and being employed by one of the leading designers. Hopefully in a few years, it won't just be a dream. :)
I got it, I got it! I'll be the guy who sits on that chair before the drop on White Water Landing.

"The KKK took my baby away, took her away, away from me!"
it would be nice if my last name was kinzel *** This post was edited by joey isch on 2/9/2001. ***
Actually my dream job would be to become a well know celebrity so when I visit a park I get to go right up the exits to ride the coasters.


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