You can drive thru Knoebels!

I was going over to my buddy's house for a new years eve party and had to drive right past Knoebels. When I got close to the park (where the big Knoebels sign is on 487) I had to take a detour down the old enterance to the park. I figured I have to turn up to the campground and go around the campground then around the parking lot to 487 again.

Well I followed the signs and had to drive right down the old road past the pool, Power Surge, and Ferris Wheel. The had concrete barriers up so no one could hit any rides. I must have been ten years since you could drive thru the park like that.

I didn't see any construction of the Super Round up or Sky Ride not really anything going on but then again it was a holiday.

Anyway the detour is due to a replacement of a small bridge on 487 near the enterance to the park.

Visits to Knoebels in 2002: 10 and PPP!

XBox Live Gamer tag: Coasterpunk

This has to be a first for a ..'detour' that doesnt aggravate a driver. At least not for coasterpunk. :)

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

That is really quite strange. I wonder if Knoebles is getting paid for it.


The bridge that goes over the river by Twister, Whirlwind and the Flyers still has the old state highway numbers on it.

I believe the road through Knoebel's is not actually owned by Knoebels's but instead by the state or at teh very least the county or township. I am sure Knoeble's is not getting paid regardless.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

I believe Knoebels bought the rights to the road that goes thru the park in the early 90's. Heck, I still remember when you had to be directed across by crossing guards. I'm sure the Knoebels agreed since it's the off season. It would be a nightmare during the summer.

I know Knoebels owns the road that goes to the campground the one by Twister that the Pioneer train goes under. In order for them to keep it private they close it off once a year to the public (Groundhog's Day).

Yes Chitown! I don't mind this detour. :)

Visits to Knoebels in 2002: 10 and PPP!

XBox Live Gamer tag: Coasterpunk

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