Xlerator- greatest hand dryer EVER

After such a rainy day at CP, I've decided that the Xlerator hand dryer deserves some major props. My friend and I kept getting soaked so we kept walking back to the front of CP where they ahve the only Xlerator hand dryers that I know of in the park. These things are just so awesome and powerful: instant hand/t-shirt/sock/shoe/hair dryer.

Are there any other amusement parks out there sporting these crazy contraptions? Does anyone agree that these things should also replace all hand dryers everywhere!?!? :)

At Disney's Animal Kingdom I was pleased to find the Xcelerator (yes, spelled like the ride) hand dryers in the restrooms nearest to Kali River Raids.

I haven't seen them anywhere else but the Matterhorn bathroom at CP.

I am also in love with them. Great to take pictures of your cheeks flapping in the wind like on TTD.

"Ignore the screaming in the woods...Everything is fine! This is your last chance to escape the wrath of.... THE BEAST."

Craig, VF has been installing them in every bathroom that they have renovated in the last couple years. They ARE awesome! :)
First thing I thought when I first used them "Best Hand dryer EVER!" Those things are amazing. They are at other bathrooms then just the front ones. I think there are some in the potty near Magnum XL-200.

Anywho, I don't know why more parks don't invest in these. They are kind of air dryers are slow and never do a good job. I rather use a towel over those anyday.

WDWCP - Spring 2006 - Entertainment
Pete's avatar
CP also has Xcelerators in the restroom between Materhorn and Scrambler.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

They have them at SFNE. I could not believe how powerful they were. The skin on my hand was literally flapping back and forth.
They have them at one of the arcades where I play DDR. They make little waves in my skin. I love them.

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They have them at the Famous Dave's On the Point too.

Former KI Employee 2004-Action Theatre 2005-Italian Job Stunt Track/ Eurobungee assistant sup
nasai's avatar
Are these like those "air knife" dryers? If not, I beg to differ about the Xlerator. My experiences with the "knife" type dryers were eye opening. Hands were dry in maybe 5 seconds. Crazy stuff. :)

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

I have also seen the Xlerator hand dryer at Cincinnati's Coney Island. I saw it in the restroom in the rear of the administration buidling. Don't know about the parks other restrooms becuase I always find that one to be the most conveniant.

What was that phrase going around a year or so ago something about 'They scare the water off of your hands'.

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville
My Blog -> http://coasterville.blogspot.com

They're in the bathrooms by the Wildcat at CP as well.

great topic, I love them as well! They should be in every bathroom everywhere, rather than the regular ones that you have to re-push the button once or twice just to get your hands semi-dry!
They've added them to several of the public restrooms here at Appalachian State University...very fun! :)

"Want to be upside down, maybe thrown from side to side" - The New Pornographers, The Fake Headlines

What cracks me up about the old-style hand dryers is that they claim to be more "sanitary" than paper towels. Yet you have to push a bacteria-covered button, whereas with towels, usually you only touch the towel you use. More sanitary my butt.

Although I do love the "push button, get free bacon" drawings. And also: 1) push butt 2) dry hands gently under arm 3) stops auto 4) wipe hands on pants.

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
I found them most useful when Longaberger would rent Cedar Point for family day which was usually scheduled the first week of May. In 2002 the temperature never topped 40 degrees and in 2003 and it never topped 50 degrees. We spent alot of time in the restrooms next to the dryers keeping warm.
Those things are a lot of fun! You can put your hands together under them and make loud farting noises!
Yeah, the old dryers are horrible. I use paper towels over those things because they don't dry your hands anyways!

janfrederick's avatar
Den, use your elbows next time. ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Actually I use my foot. :)

/not worried about bacteria, but definitely worried about other people's pee

[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Mamoosh's avatar
Just by reading the subject header I so thought someone was drying their hands on Knott's coaster [there is a restroom next to the ride's entrance] and couldn't fathom why they wouldn't use the towels in the bathroom...LOL!.

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