XBOX 360 - DDR Universe

I was poking around the new releases for the 360, and came across DDR Universe, that's supposed to be release sometime this month.

Sorry if this is old news. Just sharing in case it slipped under somebody's radar.


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Jeff's avatar
Well I hope that USB pads can generally be used with it, because at the moment there is no general support I'm aware of for the 360.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

The site lists the price at $59.99. At that price it has better include a dance pad that would work with the 360. If it's $59.99 for the game only, that seems way too much considering DDR games have always sold for $29.99 - $39.99 for the game only and just because it's on a next gen system doesn't make the game worth $20 more.

edit- after looking at EB's website, there are 2 listings for the game only at $49.99 and $59.99.

The bundle with the pad is listed at $79.99 so it does look like Konami is charging extra for no reason other than the fact most 360 games have a MSRP of $59.99 *** Edited 1/21/2007 1:34:39 AM UTC by YoshiFan***

Jeff's avatar
The bundle pads suck though, and last about a week. That's my concern.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

That's a good point. They really should have made original XBox controllers work with the 360. When I get a 360, I'll probably get a DDR game for it and I would hate to end up going back to using a soft pad like the bundled one when I have been using a Cobalt Flux at home for the past 3+ years.

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