X Review 12-24-01

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got to the park around 1.30pm. i was completely suprised to find a super short line to get on! I was expecting maybe an hour or so wait, but absolutely nothing like that at all...I rode it twice, first time 30 mins, second time 15 mins...They had 2 trains going, with loading time around 3-6 minutes..They had mechanics on hand to adjust little seat problems.
hey SOGGY! I saw you in the station.. You were on the train before me, at around 2.30. You had a jacket on with a sheriffs badge on the side of some sort...I was on the other side of the train at that time..
Ok, first ride, 4th row, 30mins & second ride, 2nd row, 15 mins...Its kinda unexplainable, you just have to ride it for yourself...You go up the lift hill backwards, of course, and you're lying on your back as you go up, and slowly come to sitting formation halfway up..Its a long trail up there to the peak, but as soon as you feel the dip, youre spinning onto your stomach, and plummet into the 90 degree drop...The first drop is so amazing! Falling 200ft, 90 degrees straight down at 75 mph is like nothing you can imagine, completely different to Deja Vu... Its very fast, a lot faster than you think its gonna be, it is very smooth (great job on that Arrow) and the extra flips and spins all made me go "whoa!". A brilliant ride that will get Six Flags a lot of positive feedback. They have a true winner on their hands...
I didnt take any pictures, but I bought an on-ride picture.. There isnt any artwork on the picture frames yet, but i'll get one when they have some avaliable.
Deja Vu was an hour wait. They were handing out tickets that are numbered at the entrance that you have to give to operators when you get on the ride..Its to help prevent line cutters. I think its a good idea.. Riddlers was a long line, and Goliath was about 20 mins, so I decided to go home. Ill be going back to the park on the 26th, so ill get in a couple more rides on X then..
If you have any questions about my day at XFMM, ask away!


what time did you get to the park? were there any people who didnt have season passes trying to get in?
i got to the park at 1.30, and got in line for X around 2. There was about 25 people sitting at the entrance to X, looking very sad! It felt like they were stabbing me with their eyes when i showed my season pass to the siX flags worker to get in...They had 2 security officers by the entrance too, to make sure nobody without a pass got on..pretty intense.
"Ahh Beer. My one weakness. My Achilles heel, if you will" - Homer Simpson
"Whoooa, that's hot. There isn't a man alive who wouldn't get turned on by that. Well, goodbye!" - Homer Simpson
WHAT?!!! I got in line at about 11 and I had to wait for nearly two hours!!!
how fast was the average loading time when you went on? when i was in the station around 2.30 and 3.15, the dispatch times were at least 3 minutes, 6 at most...
"Ahh Beer. My one weakness. My Achilles heel, if you will" - Homer Simpson
"Whoooa, that's hot. There isn't a man alive who wouldn't get turned on by that. Well, goodbye!" - Homer Simpson
what was the weather like? i heard its been raining down in Southern California this last week.. It obviously didnt effect the operating of the ride, but im curious...
I think it was more than six minutes. The loading time was quicker as time went on. When I went on they were running one train at full capasity and one train was mostly running empty. The ride was intense. The restrants were not tight enough so I was floped around pretty good. I brused my leg, but it was a cool ride!
Hey coaster file.. you didnt have your restraint properly adjusted then, cuz you can get yourself pretty darn snug in those vest restraints next time click it down more or tightend the vests snuck before they lock it.
well about people sneaking into the line... I saw two kids hop the fence or wall about halfway down the walkway on the left side.. not one ride op or security guard was around in sight.. and the workers checking for passes didnt see them either. Those lucky non season pass holder little punks got away with it.

LETS ROLL!! This place is dead anyway!

Soggy's avatar
Yes, that was me with the denim jacket. The star on the sleeve is the "regional all*star" award from my company. That was my second ride, my first was at 2:00. I wanted to be there at opening, but I had to work.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

the pictures of X on America Coasters.com are really good. check them out

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