I was just told by multiple people that X opened today, and they are very reliable! I can't really submit this as a news item since there isn't a site I know that has this info, but can anyone confirm this??
Countdown to closing in 5...
Hmm....from your track record, you don't seem to live anywhere near SFMM, so I think your "realible" sources have just played with you.
The SFMM Salvi:
"Goliath Jr. looks to intense for me"
"I want to go on something more exciting than X"
i doubt it is open they would have announced an opening if they didnt that was very foolish of them to do something like that. i wont believe it until i see people in the cars. and to SFMM 4 Ever's response. this ride is not gonna close down. definitely not because of mechanical problems but im sure many people will enjoy it especially for the first season of operation.

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My cousin's dog groomer's said her favorite poodle's owener had a cousin whose neice said she heard it from her teacher's nephew....I swear it is true;)
Ricochet: Bouncing to you in 2002, Only at King's Dominion!
I think I didn't make myself clear....its on soft opening today. Tomorrow will probably be media day. It hasn't officially opened, but it is on soft opening, today...

NOTE: One of my friends who works at an up-and-coming park had to leave on an emergency (can't think of the word) flight to SFMM...

*** This post was edited by Coaster_Addict_Patrick on 9/21/2001. ***

Media Days for SFMM have usually been on Fridays, and also it would be all over the internet by now, you sir have been fooleded! lol. They might have said that becuase they saw employees on the ride, which has been happening for about a week now i think, maybe longer.
The SFMM Salvi:
"Goliath Jr. looks to intense for me"
"I want to go on something more exciting than X"
Only time will tell if Patrick is correct. There is no need to quarrel over this disputed opening, time will tell if the "soft opening" report is accurate. SO GO RIDE SOME ROLLER COASTERS DANGET!

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

Ya know, maybe I WAS fooleded, but I really don't think so. If this is untrue, I regret it, I am not the one to go around making false rumors...but please wait till you know for sure that I am wrong before telling me I am!
Don't start making rumors that X is open when you have no links to any stories about the ride being open.

Next time, have a link to prove your point, and then post.

"Duff Man Says... Ohhh Yeah!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)

StealthmF5m3 said:
"Don't start making rumors that X is open when you have no links to any stories about the ride being open."

I was wrong is my original pot, it is NOT open, but it is READY to be open, it is soft opening today...

After a quick long distance phone call to Magic Mountain, X is NOT OPEN and there is NO PLANNED opening date to be announced yet!!! Sorry to bust all of our bubbles!
Just a couple of G-force junkies!
Today is Hallelujah Jubilee at Magic Mountain. I'm going to it :) Perhaps they are previewing X to customers? I highly, highly doubt it, but I will be able to let you guys know for sure when I go tonight.
DawgByte II's avatar
Gee whiz... I thought I heard on a previous topic posted here that X will not open at all because the trains were bending too much ;)

I thought there was sooooooo much strain with the G-Forces that the cars were splitting in half!!!!

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!

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