X-Flight: Too short?

I've been looking at the X-Flight construction pictures, and all I keep saying to myself is: That's it? It looks way too small! I know height and speed aren't good predictors of a coasters fun factor, but the first drop just looks too short. It seems to be that you're only dropping in the flying position for about 50 feet. I know the initial little drop will get some speed going, but it only drops at like a 35 degree angle, (at least, it looks that way). Why couldn't they have made it drop at about 50 degrees or so, and pull out right next to the ground (about 6-8 feet off). As it is, it looks like you pull out about 25 feet in the air! Looks like wasted space. What do you all think?
Jeff's avatar
Never hate on a coaster until you've been on it... one of the Ten Coaster Commandments.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I hear that, Jeff...

Dayuum, Your HOT!
Well having ridden Stealth at PGA I can say that it has one of the most intense first drops I have experienced. Once you feel the pressure of the Gs on your chest at the bottom of the drop, you'll understand.
I agree with Jeff...

How can you dislike a coaster without ever riding it? Granted, you could make predictions about it, but if you've never been on a flying coaster, than it's awfully hard to judge one.

If you reread the original post you will notice that the author IS making a prediction. They aren't saying the dislike the ride, only that from what he has seen that it looks like it COULD be disappointing.

And in regards to the original post:
Perhaps this new style of coaster does have limits to what it can do. Too tall of a drop may place enormous pressures on your chest and shoulders. These parts of your body are not built to handle these pressures like your butt is. I am sure that if these types of coaster do suceed, that in the future they will find ways to go higher and faster.

Also, Jeff what are the other 9 commandments?

All time Top 5: (1) Milleniun Force (2) Alpengeist (3) Hulk (4) Ice Dragon (5) Raptor *** This post was edited by jdancisin on 3/12/2001. ***
Hey all...I'm definitely not saying the ride will stink. I'm looking forward to riding it, but I was a little disappointed with the look of the first drop. I'm not going to pass judgement on the ride until I'm strapped in. It just seems to me that the first drop looks pretty casual..kind of a "whee, that was fun, what's next?" type of thing. That flip on the turnaround after the loop looks pretty awesome, and I think some of the other elements will be pretty cool. I think a loop in a reclined position will be something totally new, and I think it could be pretty decent, but the first drop just looked like it was something like the Switchback Railway at CP...nice and shallow, and not very high. :) (of course, I know it's going to be a lot more intense than a 10mph ride from the turn of last century).

Jeff's avatar

jdancisin said:
"If you reread the original post you will notice that the author IS making a prediction."
OK... but why bother? I don't understand the point in going on and on about a coaster that hasn't been completed yet. Sure, it's reasonable to be intrigued about a ride, but to start predicting its doom before it has even been completed, I see little point.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 3/12/2001. ***
ShiveringTim's avatar
Being that the riders are in very unorthodox riding positions, what seems to be relatively tame stats on X-Flight aren't that tame when you ride it.

Scott W. Short

Jeff said:
"Sure, it's reasonable to be intrigued about a ride, but to start predicting its doom before it has even been completed, I see little point."

But in the same vein then, people should not predict that a coaster will be so awesome before it's done either. Look at the whole convo we had on Talon, how it will be the best invert, yada, yada, yada. It's the same thing, only positive instead of negative.

That being said, I dont think that X-Flight/Batwing will be too short. I think that a good coaster should leave you wanting more, not wanting to get off.
Soggy's avatar

Jman said:
"but the first drop just looked like it was something like the Switchback Railway at CP...nice and shallow..."

The Beast's drop after the second lift is not steep at all, and it is one of the best drops anywhere, IMO.

If Stealth is any indication of how the other Vekoma FD's will be judged, it will be either you love it, or hate it. Personally, I loved Stealth. Take a gander at Badnitrus' (link is in the "sites" section of Coasterbuzz) Kamakazi. Now THAT'S a great FD design. He did it (from what I can tell) with the thought of high G-forces being taken with riders on their back, not in the "flying" position. Hey! Anyone at Vekoma, are you seeing this???

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

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