
X-Flight is the most intense, crazy, and funnest coaster I ever ridden. Better than MF! It has such an exotic feeling. And Its a totally differant feel, Than most of your coasters by far! ;) The G's are insane at the bottom of the first drop, Before the loop. After the loop and in the helix at the end. I love this coaster. The restraints are fun to get into. Insted of pulling the restraint from over your head. You kind of slide into it. And X-F is smooth as glass. And If it get rough. Theres no restraint to bash your head on. So thats good. All they need is to get rid of all the dirt under the ride. And put thier "White" rocks and there mini trees. And then its complete. Heres what happens. You get into the car. Slide into the restraint. And they lock you up and go. Recline in the station. " they havent programed it to recline on the lift" And you do a "S" bend tun to the lift. Go up the 115ft hill. Which looks high when your on you back. Start to slant. Flip on your stomegh. And do an awesome drop!. Fly up into the bes element a HorseShoe turn. Fly out of that and flip back over, and dive into the loop. You pull massive G;s here. Your face feels like its going to rip off! Go into the loop. The best loop in the world! And pull more G's coming out of it. Flip on your stomegh again. Do to cool turns. One to the left " were you flip " And again to the right. Right into the In-line twists. Thos are fun. Into the best and most intense helix ive ridden. And into the brakes. Rating 1-10. 10 being the best. I give it a 25! Oh sorry a 10! Its awesome. you got to ride it. I thought Id never say this but...... GOOD JOB VEKOMA AND SFWoA for bringing us this awesome ride! Who else rode it at the C. Shoot? *** This post was edited by SuperMan :UE on 5/17/2001. ***
Sounds awesome! I can't wait to ride it later this year...by the way, did you get to be in any footage they shot? :)

Who was at BGW on April 28th.
No, the had "Special" looking people to do that. They had to put Makeup on and everything. No one liked them. They got rerides too. But yea, Look forward to riding X-Flight or Batwing. There awesome! And damn intense!
Is it rough?

Insert signature here
Nope, smooth as glass. Smoother than any B&M. It feels like B&M but its Vekoma.
Ahh, finally people who havn't ridden Stealth can see why I love that ride so much.
There are currently 11 coasters with the name Batman, 8 with the name Superman and 22 with the name Boomerang. Batman and Superman: The Ultimate Chiller Knight Flight Krypton Escape Ride.
The "special" people...lol...Six Flags is to good for normal people in their commercials? ;)

Who was at BGW on April 28th.
I shall be there tomorrow!


The poster formally known as punk
Let us hope by next weekend... it'll be all up, ready, and NOT broken down...

As I hope to get there for the Memorial Day weekend rush, get a couple rides on there... and a souvineer photo!! :)

Does anyone know what the BEST day during the Memorial Day weekend would be.... Saturday, Sunday, or Monday (best, referring to the least crowded!)......
I love Stealth too. I can't wait to ride this coaster though!! I will be going to SFWoA over summer!!!!
magic mountain and CP rule
How were the Ride ops?
Read my trip report -- it was Ok, but I wasn't actually all THAT impressed with it.

As another comment, it was DEFINITELY still a Vekoma, or at least NOT a B&M ;) Tracking IS still somewhat rough, and I noticed a fair amount of free play in the wheels. Take a look at the "bottom" wheels when the train flips over and stops on the final brake run. The "bottom" wheels continue to spin FREELY, meaning they're not in contact with the track at all...

It IS a good coaster, though, and everyone should ride it. In fact, everyone should ride it again and again, getting out of my way for the Villain queue ;)


*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 5/18/2001. ***
Yeah, there are a couple of rough transitions, luckily there isn't anything to make you pay for those transitions.

All in all, a definite new experience I much enjoyed...

... but better than MF? You gotta be crazy ;)

Better than MF? I'm not going to touch that one.

Greg, I enjoyed your rather impartial report on it. When any new coaster comes out there are always those out of excitement that claim it's better than sliced bread (or other rides that couldn't be more different), and one often has to wait to read a fair review of it. So, still rough transitions and lame wheel assemblies? I'm very disappointed to hear that. You know, T2 gave me a fairly fun and enjoyable ride it's opening year, but now look at it. (OUCH!!!!) I'm afraid that the new Vekoma flyers will suffer greatly with age (as many Vekomas do) and be cloned too much. (I was also hoping the first production model would be very different than Stealth, and I'm discouraged that the 2 new ones this year are identical. I kind of get tired of seeing the same coaster at park after park.)

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to riding both new ones this year, but I'm not expecting too much out of them. (These new B&M flyers on the other hand, THAT I'm excited about :) )

- Peabody
The Ride Ops were good. But there was a guy from Vekoma there too. He Talked funny ;) "What is your length?" to an 8th yr old! its waz funnies! "as he would say"/
The ride was complety run by vekoma emplyoyees. The sixflags employees do not yet know how to run it. X-flight was almost as good as MF but it lacked one thing: LENGTH.
So, I'm assuming that they weren't testing out the dual loading platform either that day? How many trains did they have up for the commercial shoot? I assume 1 if Vekoma employee's were running the ride.
It sounds like it is a lot of fun does anyone have a picture of the coaster running? I hope someone does!
For anyone who's interested, it seems they're going to be shooting again tomorrow and they seemed to need people. Sounded like another morning shoot.. you may want to call ahead to confirm though. I thought it was a great ride - unlike anything I've experienced. It was a short ride though.. especially after waiting 4½ hours with some rude comments from the production people on the ground. (not the ones on the platform - they were great) Not very happy with two of them in particular who were rude to me and many others who were waiting.. (you can see my post on refreshinglook.com for more on that) For those that get to ride tomorrow, have fun and good luck!

I must say I am very impressed with X-Flight. Sure it may be somewhat slow and short but it is a great ride. It really feels like your flying through the air. Besides the awsome horseshoe and the flying time, the best part of the ride is the loop! That loop has so many G's it felt as if my face was going to be torn off. I enjoyed it so much I rode it 11 times!

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