X & Viper Aerial Shot

The (Very Nice) pic below came from the 5/22 update on the http://www.twistedrails.com website. A larger version of this pic and MANY others can be found there. As you can see, this aerial view shows the Viper multi-element and the vertical construction of X just behind Viper. The roads behind that is the entree road(s) where guests 'line' up to pass the parking ticket sales windows. And as many of you will recongnize, Viper's layout looks nothing like the ones on SFGAm's ShockWave & SFNJ's The Great American Scream Machine.

Seeing it from the sky really puts it into perspective. I didn't realise that the turn around from the station is so massive.
ACEerCG's avatar

kRaXLeRidAh said:
"And as many of you will recongnize, Viper's layout looks nothing like the ones on SFGAm's ShockWave & SFNJ's The Great American Scream Machine

Except for the twisting left-hand first drop, long rise into the vertical loop, left-hand downhill curve after the first vertical, two more vertical loops in a row, rise into block brakes, left-then-right curving block drop, right-to-left boomerang inversion, and low right turn into the right-hand corkscrews...

Right? ;o)

James Draeger
"Legend is a wooden Jesus" *** This post was edited by ACEerCG on 5/22/2001. ***

Matt Lynch, who honestly loved that.
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Have any of you noticed how steep that lift hill looks? My goodness, it looks to be 45 degrees! Am I missing something that everyone else knows how this?

SROS at SFNE, the #1 steelie
Question: it looks like from the pictures there is a huge gap between those 2 big lift towers. is there another one between those 2 that hasn't been built yet? or is there just going to be a really big gap in between those structures. OR, are my eyes just deceiving me?

Don't touch the watch.
That's what I noticed as well. However there doesn't seem to be footers for that. Had another look at the animation & the gap is there. The track looks 'x'tremely (pardon the pun) strong enough to bridge the gap. Plus the return track would collide with the 'missing tower.' Just my two cents.
Don't you mean http://americacoasters.com/ ?!?!?! However it looks like the construction is going well:) But i've noticed that it is a big gap between the highest tower and the tower next to it. Is there going to be a another tower there or do they have really long lifthill tracks???

why does it say it was last updated the 19 and u r saying the 22.?
Six Flags Great America Rules
From the picture, the footprint appears only moderate in size. The area cleared appears to only be rectangular. Is this true and will it not take up a lot of space?
That is another thing that really surprised me. I am not familiar with that full layout of the ride (i am trying to keep myself surprised) but the foot print looks tiny!


ACEerCG said:
"Except for the twisting left-hand first drop, long rise into the vertical loop, left-hand downhill curve after the first vertical, two more vertical loops in a row, rise into block brakes, left-then-right curving block drop, right-to-left boomerang inversion, and low right turn into the right-hand corkscrews...
Right? ;o)"

You and Lynch must not have really looked at the pic or you dont know Shockwave's layout that well (see http://www.joyrides.com/sfgam/full/shock_wave1.htm ). Viper has a full 180degree turn whereas SW only turns 90, and the 'snap turn' after the third loop is much sharper on SW than Viper. Viper's layout is also more compact. Not GRAND differences, but there are differences...not to mention the whole height and speed thing...
Although I hate to fuel an off-topic flame war, Viper is also MUCH smoother and enjoyable than the GASM. The drops actually go to the ground, and the view is mucho better. Haven't been on shockwave though...

X has got one heck of a steep lift! Can't wait to ride it in August.

Musician, snowboarder, member of ACE and the ECC
The footprint of X is extremely compact. It twists within itself twice. At just over 3,600ft of track, the ride will be about the equivalent of a B&M invert, despite the 200ft drop.
Regardless, it cracked me up. That's all that matters. :)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
There's gonna be an actual bridge between the towers - http://www.geocities.com/ultimatethrillparks/x14.htm Purpose? Looks cool & a world-first? Plus as I said before, the return track would interfere with a tower instead.
When did they say this ride is going to open?
janfrederick's avatar
Perhaps it's cheaper too.

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.

Dennis said:
"When did they say this ride is going to open?"

SFMM is trying for a July 4th opening date, but with it being a new technology i wouldn't count on it openign then.

What's the Big purple thing in theis picture?http://www.geocities.com/ultimatethrillparks/x14.htm It's not track.
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