Wyandot Lake 6/1

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Hello everyone, this was a short trip to Wyandot Lake.........

After attending a graduation party in the morning, we (my dad and I) went to Wyandot Lake to get my season pass processed. We arrived at 3:00pm and the season pass line looked long. I got in line and it only took about 25mins, the line moved quickly, thanks Wyandot Lake employees! Anyways, we got into the park at about 3:30pm and it wasn't crowded at all. For those who haven't been to the park, it is like a big "Y". The main midway where you first come in splits into the dry rides/kiddie rides and the water park. Well after I got in, I first walked to the Sea Dragon.

The line looked pretty long for a not-so-crowded day and I only had about an hour and a half in the park (I am going back tomorrow). But I knew that it wouldn't shorten at any time today so I waited. After about a 5-10minute wait I got on in the very back seat (row 16). To be honest, I really love this ride. It has some fairly good speed (it seems anyway) and in the back on the two hills after the 2nd turnaround I got a nice negative G feeling. Sea Dragon also has a pretty neat bunny hill at the very end which the other coasters like this design don't. I also felt my stomach drop on the first drop (I think it is the angle of the drop) in all the seats I went on which is a nice feeling. I got off Sea Dragon and decided to ride again.

This time I rode in row 2, I wanted to ride front row but this little girl got in it with her mom. I sat in the middle and looked between their heads so it kind of felt like front row. Still got that feeling on the first drop and had another great ride. After my two laps on Sea Dragon I decided to walk back to the dry ride section of the park........

To all who do not know, Wyandot Lake has a Tilt-A-Whirl, Scrambler, Black Squid type ride, and something else but I do not recall the model name. Anyone know who made this? They also have bumper cars but that isn't quite in that area. I first rode the Scrambler, it was a walkon. This Scrambler has seat belts on it which I think is weird because you don't really need them. Anyways I had a good ride on the scrambler and went to ride the Tilt-A-Whirl which was a walk on. had a good ride and went back to Sea Dragon.

By this time Sea Dragon was a one train wait so I got another two rides in. After Sea Dragon I went to the Havoc Harbor bumper cars and had a nice ride, I hate how you can only go one way though. After this I walked toward the exit and we left the park. It was a REALLY nice day today and it still wasn't that crowded.........especially the waterpark side. Thanks for reading!

Good Times!! Good Times!!

*** This post was edited by cdrpointcrazy4 on 6/1/2002. ***

You Ohio people are WAAAAY too lucky :). Sounds like you had a nice time, and hope you have fun tomorrow aswell.

Kara (car-uh)
466 Laps
63 in '02
"Are you sure you don't work here?"

Thanks Kara, I hope I do have fun tomorrow also, just hope I don't get too much sun!

Good Times!! Good Times!!

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