WT having problems

I was wondering if Wicked Twister has been having some problems this past week? On RRC someone said they were welding the back spike this week. Can anyone confirm this? I hope its open for my trip next Thursday and Friday.

Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM,Shivering Timbers
Favorie Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull

No they can't. People see any sort of activity or construction on a coaster and automatically assume the worst and think the ride is messed up, Cedar Point or Intamin messed up, etc. when in fact they know nothing. Only the park knows so you can bet just about no one who talks about it knows anything about it.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Can anyone please give me the address for RRC? Thanks

SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.

RRC isn't a website, but rather a usenet group. If you are using Outlook Express, AOL, or another client with a 'newsgroup' function, go to rec.roller-coaster. Also, you can read the group on Google at this address: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&group=rec.roller-coaster

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||
Top Gun: TJC flights - Approx. 265 (79 in 2002)

On another note, this was posted on RRC:

Today at Cedar Point, Wicked Twister was down all day so far. According
to VP Dan Keller, they don't hold out a lot of hope for it to run tonight at
the Coastermania ERT. What a bummer!!! They're substituting Mean Streak in
its place. Not a good deal.

By the way plenty of muffleheads for everyone at no charge!!!

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||
Top Gun: TJC flights - Approx. 265 (79 in 2002)

Well, Brandon R..............there goes your philosophy. Never doubt the power of the RRC..........hehehe (maniacal laugh). ;)
One of the higher ups told me at the luncheon yesterday that maintenance saw something that wasn't right in that area of the track. He did not hear them say crack or anything like that. But I did see them welding something Thursday and they put some sort of brace on it while I rode it thursday afternoon. it didn't run that night nor all day yesterday.

Bolt Yourself In

Will it be fixed by tuesday?

bigger is better

Dose anyone think it will be up and running by the end of june? I hope so, becuase it looks like such a great ride, would hate to miss it.Especaily since im vactioning there.

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