Worlds of Fun Event May 20 (Coaster Mayhem)

Am planning on doing the Coaster Mayhem event on May 20 @ Worlds of Fun.

Any suggestions on other parks that can be hit either the day before or the day after. . .? I'm driving from Cincy to Kansas City and I realize that there are a lot of options in between those two cities. . .

What say you, coasterbuzzers?

Hope everybody has been doing great. Been away from the board for a little while. . .looking forward to seeing everybody at the BIG EVENT Memorial Day Weekend. . .

Barry J.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Adventureland on Sunday? SFStL on Sunday? Holiday World on Sunday?

Not sure if I'm going yet.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Sawblade5's avatar
You forgot to mention Silver Dollar City or Celebration City (CC is only $20 to get in with free go-carts) in nearby Branson, MO

Silver Dollar City Fetures a Multi Looping Beemer known as WildFire and a S&S Air Launch Coaster known as Powder Keg which uses sections of the old Buzzsaw Falls ride.

Celebraiton City features a nightly laser show, Ozark Wildcat - A World-Class GCI woodie, Free Go-Carts, Free Mini Golf, and Flyers.

If I were you I would visit these parks on the Sunday after Coaster Mayhem. These parks are a blast. *** Edited 5/4/2006 5:12:24 AM UTC by Sawblade5***

Chris Knight

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Branson is a little out of the way for the return trip though (as is Adventureland probably). But if they're in no hurry to get back to Ohio, why not. :)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Adventureland is about 3 hours north of KC, not sure what Branson is but I would echo what AV said.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

It is about 3-3.5 hours to from WOF to SDC. Depending on when you hit traffic. It is pretty much 4-lane the entire way as well.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
I'm guessing Barry will be coming in along I-64 to I-70, so he might want to stick to parks close to that path. *** Edited 5/4/2006 3:13:47 PM UTC by Acoustic Viscosity***

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

I'm thinking that the SDC/Branson thing is going to be far too adventurous even for a dedicated Road Warrior like myself. As much as I LOVE SDC and CC, I just don't think it is possible.

Acoustic is right. I'll be travelling along the I-64 corridor and we all know what that passes. . .Santa Claus, so I might just have to do a Sunday double of SFSL and HW, though doesn't HW close early (6 or 7 pm) almost all the time?

That would certainly provide a nice PREVIEW of what is coming the following weekend.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Getting excited about coaster season getting started. . .

Barry J.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Yeah, you probably won't make it to HW in time for much. Stop at SFStL. Then maybe you can hit SFKK on the way back.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

STOP will be open by then as well
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
That's the Superman Tower of Power Intamin drop tower in case you're not up to date on thy acronyms. ;) *** Edited 5/5/2006 2:33:44 PM UTC by Acoustic Viscosity***

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

A drop tour, huh? sounds interesting. ;)
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Heh. Bad Matt. BAD MATT!

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

rollergator's avatar
sour, flour, dour, tour....what's the difference, as long as they rhyme... ;)


That's stretching it... tour and tower don't really rhyme that well. :)
I have to admit that, while I was appreciative of Acoustic's info, I was a tad confused by the tour. Still, I thought it might be interesting to take one. . .

Barry J.

Off topic, but I want to go on a drop tour of Disney's Tower of Terror to see how everything works as I love that ride...

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