Wooden has Got to go

Wooden Coasters these days just are an unenjoyable expeirence with their rough qualties, it just hurts you


BullGuy's avatar

A very well thought out post...

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

I don't get it.
Why don't you ride Viper @ SFGAM of the greatest thing in the world(Colossos) @ Hiede Park in Germany because you condemn woodies! Woodies are by far man's GREATEST invention!!!!!!! Shivering Timbers IS the GREATEST thing in the USA!!!

Wow, another person who got in "A" in debate class!

Spoken just like someone who has never ridden a CCI, GCI, etc!

- Peabody

Have you ever ridden Viper at SFGAm? That's not rough at all, in fact it's one of my favorite roller coasters ever! Also, most woodens are made to give you a bit of a rough and tumble feel, it makes most of them funner. The only wooden dissapointment ive ever ridden is Mean Streak and thats only because its not intense enough!

Pink Floyd Fanatic said:
Woodies are by far man's GREATEST invention!!!!!!!

Heh, anyone else find this funny?

The top 3 all time cobrarolls.

2)Deja Vu's (times 3)
3)Batman Knight Flight's

I wasn't trying to be funny! I just LOVE woodies so much!!!
What do you mean G-Force? Woodies are AWESOME!! They deliver an aboundance of airtime, great lateral G's and Possative G's! I agree with Pinf Floyd Fanatic, WODDIES ARE MANS GREATEST INVENTION!!!

G-Force said:
Wooden Coasters these days just are an unenjoyable expeirence with their rough qualties, it just hurts you


Well, so is life. It's got to go.

Don't feed the trolls.

Pink Floyd Fanatic said:
I wasn't trying to be funny! I just LOVE woodies so much!!!

I know, it just sounded funny.

Wooden Coasters should stay. Why? To make G-Force mad. ;)

The top 3 all time cobrarolls.

2)Deja Vu's (times 3)
3)Batman Knight Flight's

What are you thinking! There was once a time in my life when I felt that woodies weren't that great, until I got out and rode some. I live in Indiana, need I say more. Cornball, Legend, Raven, plus TImbers is very close, these coasters can contend with the best steel has to offer IMO. You gotta ride some quality wood before you just say that wood has got to go.

Gravity Group- The Wooden Coaster Professionals

I think it's funny that his name is G-Force and he doesn't like things that are rough. Just a strange observation. That's like having a name "Smoothasglass" and starting a steel coaster thread "they all have to go because they are too smooth"!
I guess that he hasn't ridden Lightning Racer or Roar. ;)

G-Force said:
Wooden Coasters these days just are an unenjoyable expeirence with their rough qualties, it just hurts you


This man hasn't ridden *cough* Rampage, GhostRider, Shivering Timbers, Boulder Dash, The Raven, Colossos, Lightning Racer, Twister *cough*

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