Woman sues Walt Disney World for being allegedly groped by Donald Duck

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Walt Disney World is facing a federal lawsuit seeking more than $200,000 in damages after a Pennsylvania woman claimed a person in a Donald Duck costume groped her breast two years ago, court records show. April Magolon said that instead of an autograph from the person in the iconic fuzzy white costume with a blue and yellow sailor shirt and hat, the person performed a "physically menacing act," the lawsuit says.

Read more from The Orlando Sentinel.

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Raven-Phile's avatar

BOHICA. It's that time of year.

The thing has huge, fuzzy hands. I don't think it's possible to feel through those, anyhow. I'm sure that she was grazed by one of the 9" foam fingers while Donald was reaching for a pen. Why wait 2 years, if it's so upsetting? I just don't get it.

She also says the incident has caused acute anxiety, headaches, nightmares and flashbacks, among other emotional and physical ailments.

Nothing is worse than a Donald Duck Nightmare!

Jeff's avatar

I have never seen a character out at the Disney parks without a crowd of people and a handler. I'd very much love to see where the evidence of this is.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

sws's avatar

Jeff said:
I'd very much love to see where the evidence of this is.

Probably in his pants... Oh that's right, he doesn't wear any... Should be pretty obvious then.

Slate had a good post about this phenomenon:

James Whitmore's avatar

No pants in public... of course he's a perv. Guilty. Just write the $200K check already.


Jeff's avatar

That's good stuff, and that was a point I wanted to make too. How often are these actually women inside? What a scam. Again, I want to see evidence.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

LostKause's avatar

A few years ago, when I hugged Spoongebob Squarepants at a theme park, he touched my butt. My life is ruined now, because I am suffering from acute anxiety, headaches, nightmares and flashbacks, among other emotional and physical ailments. Poor me. Gimme $200,000!

The sad truth is that Disney will probably settle, instead of going through with, and winning, the case.

Last edited by LostKause,
rollergator's avatar

Let's assume Disney could actually go back through employment records and this guest's park visit date and time of incident and show that it was in fact a woman in the costume. Theoretically it wouldn't change the lawsuit at all. But somehow, it just might... ;)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Jeff's avatar

I'd be more inclined to seek out hugs from the duck, at least.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I'm not female - but if I was I'd charge far less for being groped. $10,000 seems reasonable to me :)

kpjb's avatar

Hell, I'd let Donald Duck grab my ass if I could just skip the line for Toy Story Mania.


sws's avatar

The article states the "victim" is claiming she has PTSD from being groped by a pantless duck. Wow....

This is silly. Everyone knows all the bad ducks live in New York City anyway.

warning: cheesy early 80s gore that could be offensive to the easily offended.


Extreme physical injury? Is the woman on a Coumadin IV or is she just a leper? Besides, how could she not include loss of companionship in her suit due to the fact she and her husband can no longer do the mattress mambo because of her horrible disfiguring injuries and severe emotional trauma?

Jerry's avatar

And what does Daisy Duck have to say about all this??? Are they going on Springer or Judge Judy to duke it out?

Tekwardo's avatar


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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Jerry said:
And what does Daisy Duck have to say about all this??? Are they going on Springer or Judge Judy to duck it out?

Fixed. ;)

Brandon | Facebook

Raven-Phile's avatar

Man, that was lame. I don't think we'll be seeing you on the bill at the local comedy club any time soon. You'd never stay afloat using jokes like that.

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