Everyone has their limits, sometimes it may take another person to point them out. Such as, "is this ride to intense". My partner who was severly injured in a car accident several years ago wanted to ride Dr. Deans Scream Machine, and I flat out told him "NO", after I got off of it, and was shaking. He saw that everyone else was haveing a good time, so he wanted to give it a try. I even had doubts about him riding the Twist and Shout(wild mouse)coaster, he survived the ride, and I will no longer ask him to ride anything he does not feel like he can not handle (he hurt for 2 days after that). There is a chance anyone of us could die on a ride at the park(s), or on the way to a park. If you live live in Arkansas you know how the backroads(highways) are. I don't think a doctors exam, or anything, could have prevented this from happening, it just happened. I have migrane headaches, and this will not stop me from riding coasters, or trains, my other passion. If I were to die, everyone I know would say I was doing what I wanted to do. My sympathy does go out to the families of ANYONE hurt at a park.