Woman attempts to get family of 10 into Dorney Park without paying

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

A Philadelphia woman and nine family members went to Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom on Wednesday night but did not plan on paying to get in, according to court records. Dorney Park employees escorted Markeisha L. Bostic, 26, and nine relatives into the park after being told the family had relatives already inside who were holding their tickets, police said. Once through the park gate, all 10 ran off to avoid having to pay almost $300 in tickets, records show.

Read more from The Morning Call.

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slithernoggin's avatar

CoasterDiscern said:

Who the hell cares what race they are!! Is that a question or a comment?

Apparently you do, since you quickly asked the question.

I absolutely 100 percent believe it's an important question. I can easily see a correlation here if the family is from a low income home, and how that could affect the mothers poor choice decision to let this happen for fear of her kids and/or family "missing out."

Which has what to do with race, exactly?

...how could you say who cares? That suggests to me that maybe your an individual who maybe doesn't care about the welfare of others but just passes judgement on any situation that seems obvious to you, thus making you more ignorant than the comment your throwing at me.

Your first take was that the family was black, and that there was -- "possibly" -- a correlation of "low-income African" families near the park. Sorry, but that strikes me as passing judgement on the people involved.

Also as a member of the APA this would not be out of the norm question. We take EVERY aspect and determinant into consideration and research all areas that could affect the behaviour of someone. I'm also a Pre-health science student in my city, please don't paint a picture of me without considering the possibilities of other perspectives before doing so. You dont know me from a hole in the ground.

Yep. We don't know many details about you, which means we can only go by what you say here. And when your first impulse is to inquire about race, well, the first thing that comes to your mind influences what folks on Coasterbuzz think about you.

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

CoasterDiscern's avatar

You didn't read the whole thread did you? And your putting words in my mouth. Stop putting words in my mouth and stop insinuating. It's nothing more then it is. I asked if the family was black, and I have reasons why I wanted to know if the family was "BLACK." It is still OK to use the word black without you noggin thinking it was discriminative remark isn't it? Give me a break! Lol

Last edited by CoasterDiscern,
Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
slithernoggin's avatar

Yep. Read the whole thread.

Okay. What reasons do you have to ask if the family was black -- or, as you put it, "BLACK"? Because, frankly, for me, the race of the family involved doesn't matter. You brought up and continue to emphasize the possible race of the family.

Last edited by slithernoggin,

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

CoasterDiscern's avatar

I'm not continuing anything. Your continuing the race card. I asked in my very first response. I'm simply defending myself since a couple of you guys have run out to left field with it. You also have NO IDEA how important of a question it COULD be when a mother makes bad choices based on life pressures. Which is one of the main reasons the US is pretty messed up as far as I'm concerned. So don't tell me, "frankly, for me, the race of the family doesn't matter." It absolutely 100 percent matters. There is a much higher risk of aggression for people who have low income and live in drug, rape, crime infested areas along with no money. What "if" she pulled a gun instead. You think the race wouldn't matter when it's another checkmark on the chalk board for black community lashing out. Wake up! I simply asked if the family was black, which it wasn't. Every little incident in the US gets recorded and documented when It reaches the law. Maybe we can crush the stereotype one day that oh it must have been a black kid. Think about it.

Last edited by CoasterDiscern,
Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
slithernoggin's avatar

Got it. You brought up race but don't want to take responsibility for bringing up race.

Still wondering why the race of the family in question matters to you.

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

CoasterDiscern's avatar

I take full responsibility for asking what the race was, otherwise I would have never of asked the question lol.

There are many reasons. I can't help you. I've been as straight forward as I can as to why it matters, and why it matters to me. Also why it would matter to many other people.

Last edited by CoasterDiscern,
Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.

CoasterDiscern said:

Listen if you ever need some advice on how a country is ran successfully and how to maintain itself let me know lol ;)

Looks like you guys could use some tips down there.

It was only a matter of time before someone figured out a way to blame this on Obama.

Jeff's avatar

I don't see how race has anything to do with it either. You're walking on very fragile ground...

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

CoasterDiscern's avatar

I think I'm still baffled I can't ask a legitimate question whether it's about race or not on what is supposed to be a blog site and discussion board. Maybe I should have worded my first reply differently so it as received better.

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
Bakeman31092's avatar

Calm down everyone. He obviously meant to say, "Was the family black listed?" As in, banned from the park. That's what he meant, right? RIGHT?!

CoasterDiscern's avatar

I do apologize though as-well. I can see how it was taken the wrong way.

My mind couldn't help but see this as a story that made the news (audience), and another story being painted of African American People fulfilling a stereotype. Plus the mom's name was very misleading (thank you author). Then I was thinking of the shootings and stabbings at parks recently. All wrapped around race and the media portraying a certain group. Also the life pressures and environmental factors that can push people to bad decisions. So I popped the question. Bad Timing? Or in the wrong context?

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.

I still don't get the point of what you're saying, at all. That poor black people are the only ones that make bad decisions or try to scam the system? Complete baloney.

CoasterDiscern's avatar

Lol what? Ok I'm done. On to something else.

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.

Thank you!

Because you make no sense whatsoever.

Last edited by John Knotts,
CoasterDiscern's avatar

Well I just explained my angle to a few of my friends and showed them what I wrote and they said it makes complete sense. They do agree though how it could have come across the wrong way at first. That's cool it doesn't make sense to you, not my problem.

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
slithernoggin's avatar

CoasterDiscern said:

I do apologize though as-well. I can see how it was taken the wrong way.

"I'm apologizing for you not being able to understand what seems obvious to me" -- the good ol' non-apology apology.

My mind couldn't help but see this as a story that made the news (audience), and another story being painted of African American People fulfilling a stereotype.

Plus the mom's name was very misleading (thank you author).

The article doesn't mention race. You seem to have assumed what her race is from her name, and then seem to blame her for being so rude as to have a "misleading" name. Why the author of the article should be thanked for someone having a "misleading" name escapes me.

Then I was thinking of the shootings and stabbings at parks recently.

"All the articles I've read recently about shootings and stabbings at parks involved African Americans."

All wrapped around race and the media portraying a certain group.

Oh, look. A side order of word salad.

Also the life pressures and environmental factors that can push people to bad decisions. So I popped the question. Bad Timing? Or in the wrong context?

Bad question. You assumed the woman's race, then dragged in opinions and stereotypes.

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

CoasterDiscern said:
Well I just explained my angle to a few of my friends and showed them what I wrote and they said it makes complete sense. They do agree though how it could have come across the wrong way at first. That's cool it doesn't make sense to you, not my problem.

Complete and utter fail. We don't know who the hell any of your "friends" are , so whats that suppose to even mean?

You're just talking in circles now, so please just be done like you promised...

Last edited by John Knotts,
CoasterDiscern's avatar

Slither your right. I see that now. I think I'll be more catious for now now.

I just wanted to see what a few of my friends thought. Oh you don't know who the hell my friends are? Obviously not!! And touche!!

I apologize if I hurt anyones feels thats not what I was trying to do.

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
OhioStater's avatar

You didn't hurt anyone's feelings, you just came across as either 1) callous, or 2) a lousy comedian.

The media was not attempting to portray anyone in any particular light. In the world of American media, this was a case of "who the hell would be stupid enough to do something like this?" journalism...we like that sort of thing down here. Stupidity of this sort cuts across all SES levels and various demographics equally.

Last edited by OhioStater,
Lord Gonchar's avatar

If "Was the family black?" doesn't become the next great CoasterBuzz meme I'm going to be really disappointed.

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