WOA Season Pass moving forward

eightdotthree's avatar
Ok, I have a 2004 season pass to Worlds of Adventure and was looking into my options. So an automated message at the woa number said I have two options; to upgrade to a Geauga Lake pass, or obtain a refund. Which we allready knew.

The message said, upon finalization of the sale refunds would be made available, but did not state when/if it would be final and how to go about getting a rufund.

I am visiting sfa next month and need a season pass, but I would like to get my cash back for the woa pass before purchasing a new one at a different park. Has anyone gone through this process yet? And does anyone know how to get ahold of Six Flags corporate. These automated messages dont do anything for me.


ps. Even though I am a current sp holder, will I need to get a new pass, or can I renew my current pass? sigh... *** Edited 3/24/2004 4:42:36 PM UTC by eightdotthree***

did not state when/if it would be final

That's because they don't know. The purchase might still not happen. You might try calling SFA directly to see if they'll accept the WoA pass.

Jeff's avatar
If you can't get official word from the source, what do you hope to glean from here?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

If you already have it processed, you can use it at SFA. Someone on another board posted that they used their 2004 SFWOA pass at the SF parks in TX last week and it worked fine.

eightdotthree's avatar
I can gain someone's past experience. Like Sue here.

Thank you Sue. I will follow up with a phone call to the park as well just in case.

When I called WoA I was told that I could use my processed pass at any Six Flags park BEFORE April 1. After April 1, I was told that it would no longer be valid. That's just what I was told, I wish you the best of luck!

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." ~ Dave Barry
eightdotthree's avatar
This is so annoying. I called sfa and spoke to an operator. She said it probably would be good, but that I should call sfwoa and gave me a number.

I called that number and waited for the operator, but instead of an operator I got the same automated message explaining the situation.

Sarah, did you get a refund for your pass? How did you go about getting it?

Is there a way to contact Six Flags headquarters? This is ridiculous. No one has any answers.

No one has any answers because the people in charge of season passes at WoA haven't yet been told of how things will happen. Blame Kieran and Dick for this.

Also, I don't believe any processes for 2004 at WoA (the Six Flags passes) were ever processed.

This is a chaotic time as Six Flags changes to Geauga Lake. Please be patient.



If you plan on visiting more than one SF park this season, hold on to your SFWoA pass, purchase a new one at SFA (they are 52.99 at Safeway in this area) or online, process it at SFA and use it through out the country. Then when refunds are available get a refund for your SFWoA pass.

eightdotthree's avatar
Well, a call back to sfa got me a number to the corporate office, which pointed me to the voice mail box of someone at sfwoa.

The answering machine stated a 100% refund would be available, and that pass holders will be receiving the info on how to obtain it shortly.

I left a message asking him about what I should do in the meantime with my call back #. If I dont hear back I will try again tommorow afternoon or so. I will post back here with any info I receive.

Coasterguts, if it comes down to that I will do that. But I would prefer to get rid of my woa pass first. *** Edited 3/24/2004 9:00:11 PM UTC by eightdotthree***

bigkirby said:

Also, I don't believe any processes for 2004 at WoA (the Six Flags passes) were ever processed.

Um, Yes there are processed passes for 2004 for WoA. I have one, and so do lots of others who renewed online.

eightdotthree, all I can tell you is that I called WoA directly, not the headquarters. I found the number on the WoA website. When the recording came on I pressed 0 for the operator (even though that wasn't an option listed). I told the operator that I had planned on using my pass in the coming week at another Six Flags, that is when I was transfered to some guys office and he said that I "SHOULD" be able to use it up until April 1. BUT he said he was going to call the park that I was going to visit and make sure and call me back, he never called back though. I never went to another park either, so I couldn't even tell you if the pass would work anywhere else either. Sorry.

No, I haven't got a refund yet for my pass. I ordered online my pass and a parking pass for a total of $107. I know that I wont get the $11 s&h back but I want the full amount munis the $11.

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." ~ Dave Barry
Sarah, I was referring to passes purchased new for this year, not the renewals. My mistake.

Both Cedar Fair and Six Flags have managed the season pass issue poorly.

With luck, more information should be available in April. From what I understand, the SFWoA pass will not be valid after April 1st at any Six Flags park but will be refunded after Cedar Fair completes the purchase.


A call to Magic Mountain netted a response of "As far as we're concerned, if it says Six Flags 2004, it's good here unless corporate explicitly tells us otherwise."

Which very well may happen, of course...

But based on THAT, it sounds like if you have an already-processed 2004 pass (as I do), it'll work at the Six Flags parks. The "until April 1" bit is interesting -- we'll see how that pans out. If it becomes invalid, I'll take the refund. The only annoying part in all that will be I'm out the shipping/processing fees, and then have to buy a more expensive Six Flags pass elsewhere (because it'll be too late to get in on any "early bird" specials). *** Edited 3/24/2004 11:03:29 PM UTC by GregLeg***

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

bigkirby said:
Sarah, I was referring to passes purchased new for this year, not the renewals. My mistake.

Both Cedar Fair and Six Flags have managed the season pass issue poorly.

With luck, more information should be available in April. From what I understand, the SFWoA pass will not be valid after April 1st at any Six Flags park but will be refunded after Cedar Fair completes the purchase.

I really don't know what you can expect. The Park seasons still haven't started yet, and the buyout was only announced a couple of weeks ago. I'm willing to bet it will all be straightened out within a couple of weeks.

bigkirby, no problem, I was just making sure you did know that some of us do have processed passes. You’re right though, that the Voucher holders haven't been processed, as far as my knowledge goes.

Six Flags Over Nebraska, the season may not have started yet, but for those of us with WoA passes it is very confusing. We want to use these passes at other Six Flags that are currently open, but don't know if we can. It is just frustrating that we keep waiting and are not getting answers, or help for that matter. I'm sure every one of us realizes that both Cedar Fair and Six Flags are working hard to settle all these situations, but from our point of view it doesn't seem like they are doing much to help out us, their loyal customers.

GregLeg, I'm with you on the annoyance factor. It annoys me to no end that I might have to purchase a more expensive Season Pass now. I'm not one with a lot of extra money laying around, or heck even a little extra money laying around, so I always take advantage of the Pre-Season sale.

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." ~ Dave Barry
Sarah -

If you only bought a SFWoA pass to use it elsewhere and claim a lack of money, why'd you buy the parking pass too as you said in your first post? I don't understand why everyone's bailing on the park now just cause its Cedar Fair owned? Maybe I'm just beating a dead horse here, but I plan on now BUYING a parking pass, as I didn't have one before and supporting the park and the change. Just doesn't make sense to me the mass exodus of people that all of a sudden have no desire to visit the park.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Impulse-ive, I didn't buy the pass just to use it elsewhere. I go to WoA up to 10 times a year that is why I bought the parking pass. I never said in any of my posts that I only intended on using the pass at other parks. I assumed that people would be able to figure out that if I bought the parking pass that means that I use the pass at WoA also.

Just because I use my pass at other Six Flags doesn't mean that I don't support my home park. I also don't think everyone's "bailing" on the park now just because it is Cedar Fair owned. I LOVE this park. I loved it when it was Geauga Lake, I loved it even more when it was Six Flags, but right now, honestly, I am skeptical about it, but I do still love it. I do intend to visit many times this year if I can buy a new pass there at a reasonable price. If I can't do that, then no, I probably wont go to the park this year except maybe once. Like I said before, I don't have a lot of extra cash lying around.

I also don't think that a "mass exodus" of people have a sudden desire to not visit the park. I think that a lot of people are being cautionary with their money right now. They want to see what is going to happen to the park before throwing a bunch of money out there and then being sorely disappointed. At least that’s my opinion of things. Your miles may vary.

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." ~ Dave Barry
I am willing to bet if you take your processed 2004 SFWoA season pass to any other SF park, and you go straight to Guest Relations with your concern, you will be granted access. Lets face it, the money you spent on that pass went to SF, not CF so it shouldn't be an issue.

If for some reason you aren't, just buy a season pass at the first SF park you hit and retrieve a refund from your SFWoA pass.

It really isn't that much of a concern in the grand scheme of things. :)

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

eightdotthree's avatar

Six Flags Over Nebraska said:
I really don't know what you can expect. The Park seasons still haven't started yet, and the buyout was only announced a couple of weeks ago. I'm willing to bet it will all be straightened out within a couple of weeks.

Well, the 2004 season HAS started and there are plenty of Six Flags parks that are open now. I plan on visiting SFA next month, and I am not going to pay full price for a day there when I have allready purcahsed a 2004 season pass that should be good there.

My girlfriend and I bought our season passes to WOA last year because we were going on a trip and planned to use them at all the Six Flags parks along the way. We ended up visiting WOA five or six times that year and enjoyed the park.

We plan on doing the same thing again this year, visiting Six Flags parks wherever we may be. I cant justify purchasing a pass to Geauga Lake when there is less to do there, and no other parks to visit.

I say good for Cedar Fair, but ive ridden everything there more than enough and there is nothing new. I would rather visit Kennywood, which is 10 minutes from my house, three times than buy a sp to gl.

Six Flags has handled the situation VERY poorly. An email or letter would be nice explaining the situation, and where to get a refund. Its not like they dont have every season pass holders contact information.

It may not be much of a concern for you Chitown, but for me it is because of the price difference in passes.

The first Six Flags park that I had planed on attending this year (well besides what was WoA) is Great America. I don't have to tell you how much more expensive their passes are!

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." ~ Dave Barry

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