wisdom of 7/4 visit?

Is the 4th of July a good day to visit a theme park?

I have always avoided parks on major holidays. My daughter, however, is pushing for a July 4 visit to SFGAm.

She says a friend tells her that the Fourth of July is a good day to visit SFGAm. The rationale is that the Fourth of July is such a traditional holiday, with civic picnics and company outings and all, that most people are tied up and busy doing something else, and the parks are generally underpopulated.

What do you think? Is the Fourth of July a good day to visit a major park for someone who would rather not deal with big crowds?
If it is like SFWoA, July 4th is bring a friend free day, so expect large crowds...

If you have a choice, and can go another day this week, do it. Most parks have weekend size crowds on the fourth.

Steve Lindrey
With this holiday falling on a Wednesday this year(which sucks), I tend to think that the park wont be that crowded.

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!
I tend to go 2 days after or before the 4th. Reason being, everyone is taking a vacation for the days around the 4th, and I dont want to wait in lines that stretch for a couple of miles

all about PKI
the Beasts` Den
I've been to SFGAm on the Fourth a few times. Last time was about 3 years ago, and it was packed. Both times before that, it was empty. I think it just depends on your luck, nothing more.

Cyclops. 1900 feet of CCI goodness.
TrBiggar: I agree, one time I went on Labor day, and we went on all the coasters and some flat rides@SFGAM multiple times, and we managed to do this and eat lunch by twelve, it was so emty, it was almost erie, but last year we went on Labor Day, and it was packed, same with Memorial day, I'm playing it safe though, and going on July 2nd.

Ozzfest 2001: The greatest show on earth!
It is one of the busiest days of the year for Disneyland

"And none may dare entreat further, for to invoke death is to utter the final prayer."
July 4th is when most park's have big fireworks displays alot come for that. The most people I have ever seen in a park was in 1976 at DW 4th of july celebration. Usally best time to visit park is the week after a big holiday.

Army rangers lead the way
I went to CP on the 4th last year and I didn't think it was bad at all. There were alot of people----but, nothing astronomical. I plan on hitting SFoG this 4th.
I went to SFGAm on July 4 once and it was empty. Except at night time. Then it got crowded. People payed a full price ticket just to see the fireworks because after the fireworks the park closed. *** This post was edited by sfgamfreak on 7/3/2001. ***

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