Will this coaster ever be rebuilt?

There's one ride everyone's forgotten about that's sittin' in storage.It's the fromer Greezed Lightin' from PGA that's sittin in storage @ SFMW. It's benn sittining thre for over a year so who Knows............. *** Edited 12/17/2003 7:09:29 PM UTC by darienlakefan***

Your Park only has 1 good coaster! That's too bad!
The remnants of Python/Lightning Loops sit half way between S:ROS and Batwing. If you want a close up view, you need to take a ride through Fright Lights during Fright Fest, or take the train during a group outing (the train is only available to groups during the regular season). I would love SFA to get a mine train, something akin to Road Runner Express at SFFT.
A mine train back by the Superman Helix and the Raft ride in the woods would be really nice. plus you could tie the entrance for Gotham City to the Wild West area by Mind Eraser.


They could put a whole new section in that area! If so, (probably not true) I hope it's themed as aliens. HA! Area 51. Roswell. I can see it now. That would be really cool.

Intamin Fan said:
I would love SFA to get a mine train, something akin to Road Runner Express at SFFT.

Hey-I dont know if you've ever ridden Road Runner Express, but its not that great of a mine train. The second lift hill really slows down the pace of the coaster, and the only real thrilling part of the ride is the drop after the second lift.

Having ridden Excalibur back in the day, I will agree it is one of the best Mine Coasters I have ever ridden. If they ever do rebuild it, I'll be envious of the park that gets it...

Curious: What was it that made Excalibur so good , and what does it compare to today?


It was a smooth ride with fast drops and quick turns. There wasn't a dull moment through the entire circuit.

What does it compare too? I'll have to say, like, Runaway mountain at SFoT. (minus that whole dark ride thing/but I've ridden it in the light as well) To me it was just as thrilling, except it wasn't as compact as RM is.

Here's What made excalibur a great mine train:

It starts out fairly high up for a mine train, so no major lift hill. It starts off slow and from the park the high up parts look slow and boring, so most people, including riders, pass it off as a higher version of the serpent (A junior coaster). Because that part of the the park was heavily vegetated, most of the ride was obscured from vision. The first half is basically the same as the Mine train at SFOT, but then out of nowhere when everyone is yawning there was this wicked drop. Not a far drop by any of today's standards but the way it catches you and the speed at which you feel made it up there with say, Titan's first drop at SFOT. The only thing this coaster needed to make it the best mine ever (which many already feel) was theming. I like mines because of the heavy themes. They may not be the best coasters in the world but stuff like Thunder Mountain at WDW/DLCa is what it's all about. Other than theming the queque like a castle to fit into the medieval theme, the rest of the ride was just over non-landscaped wild vegetation. Granted it was the only thing in the park besides XLR8 that wasn't built on a cocrete block, but you would think that SFI could put at least half the amount of money into theming at SFAW as it does at other parks considering SFAW was one of the early SF buyouts and at one time the centerpiece. (Check out sixflagshouston.com to see what an awesome park it was in the early 80's).

I don't wan't to get too far off-topic but does anyone know the acrerage of the Splashtown property in North Houston? I grew up near there and I recall that there was plenty of unused land around the park. Maybe SFAW could pull an ELitch Gardens to set up on a spot that allows for more flexibility and isn't a logistical nightmare to travel too. (C'mon-288 and 610? That's horrible!).

/end rant

coasterdude318 said:SF doesn't have many decent coasters in storage anymore. They rebuilt a couple of coasters last year and there aren't many more left./quote]

This is true- most of what was worth rebuilding has already been rebuilt. What is left in storage? Python, which I can't imagine going anywhere. Shockwave, which is rumored to be going to SFNO (why, I have no idea- they already have a Vekoma loopscrew and Boomerang). PGA's shuttle, which is supposedly going to Enchanted Village. Anything I'm forgetting?

However, I wouldn't put it past SF to buy some used coasters as they become available... *** Edited 12/18/2003 2:04:51 PM UTC by Rob Ascough***

rollergator's avatar
Do we have any knowledge of SFI actually purchasing PGA's Anton shuttle? Sure *seems* like they must have, for it to be in its present location....I sure HOPE it gets re-installed, and soon. If it *does* go to SFEV, I sure hope they install it ALONG the midway opposite the waterpak so that it doesn't hinder future growth....the back corner of the park looked like the only land left to build on, and a shuttle loop could be instaled easily *without* using up too much of that valuable space...

If SFI was interested in BUYING used coasters as a more general practice, that's more than fine with me....might I suggest for starters they pick up Tivoli's Slangen: http://www.rcdb.com/installationdetail1052.htm

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

I am pretty sure that Six Flags purchased the ride. As was previously announced, it was supposed to get sent back to Wieland Schwarzkopf in Germany for refurbishment but that plan was axed when SF purchased the ride. Apparantly, it make more sense to refurbish the ride here in the U.S. rather than send it to Germany and back. Or so the story goes.

I can't seem to figure out any other reason for the ride to have wound up in SFMW's parking lot. I doubt that SF engaged in a "good will" act and volunteered to hold the coaster for Paramount.

What kinda construction trucks did you happen to see in the new lot? At Frontier City that is ... *** Edited 12/31/2003 3:29:59 AM UTC by ACEAND1***
Excalibur was my favorite 'coaster at SFAW! It had everything from what I can remember. The surprising first drop had lots of floating airtime. Just thinking about it makes me happy! The best part of the ride was at the end when it suddenly dove down to the ground in that tight turn. It was great! I miss the ride very much. I would have liked to have ridden it a few more times before it was removed for the less impressive SLC!

Superman: Krypton Coaster----Just Ride It 1.) Millennium Force 2.) Superman: Krypton Coaster 3.) Steel Eel 4.) Raptor 5.) Mantis

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