Will there be a SRM in 2006 and beyond?

Since the incident at Stark Raven Mad in 2003, there has been no SRM's since. I remember hearing somewhere that HW will have SRM again sometime in the future. I was just wondering and probably other enthusiasts are also if there will be one held in 2006 or beyond that. I'm sure Paula could help me out with this question. Thanks!

#1 Steel-Nitro #1 Wood-Shivering Timbers 137 coasters in track record.
They just had an event this fall and there is a HoliWood Nights next year.
Holiwood Nights.
May 26-27 2006.

Holiday World and SS
Santa Claus In. *** Edited 11/1/2005 5:31:47 PM UTC by Charles Nungester***

Is the Holiwood nights event going to be the first enthusiast event with The Voyage?

Will there be ERT?

Fever I really enjoy the Simpsons. It's just a shame that I am starting to LOOK like Homer.
Mamoosh's avatar
Clause, Chuck? Typing in a hurray again? ;)
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I can't speak for the park, Rockrc, but I wouldn't bet on them having another event titled "Stark Raven Mad" for obvious reasons. I am actually surprised they are putting their trust back into events and enthusiasts, but then they are cool peeps, so. ;-) The Coasterbuzz event obvously proved that most of us are actually responsible.

It's not the "name" of the event that matters anyway. I am sure Holiwood Nights and any future enthusiast events will be just as awesome.


<--looking forward to taking the Voyage!

*** Edited 11/1/2005 7:55:05 AM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

rollergator's avatar

coasterqueenTRN said:
I am sure Holiwood Nights and any future enthusiast events will be just as awesome.

....and well-attended. ;)

bill, counting on more of a "reunion" and less of a RIDING event...

..heck, even *I* might show up to that one...(just to slap Bill in the back of the head).

lata, jeremy (who has also put on about forty pounds from his cbuzz picture)

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rollergator's avatar
"also", j?


gator, feeling like Cartman on Megaman3000
"Beefcake!" ;)

*** Edited 11/1/2005 3:12:41 PM UTC by rollergator***

Come on back Jeremy. What was it, 2002? Back when you were a URCer?


Well, take it the hell back off!
I absolutely REFUSE to be the Official Skinny Black Man.


(My shot's from August)

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Even in the absence of *ahem* recent history, it is to the point where it really does not make sense for Holiday World to host a "Stark RAVEN Mad" event anymore. Oh, sure, we could talk it up and refer to it as the "Legendary Stark Raven Mad" but that still doesn't really 'cut it' anymore. Particularly given the fact that next year, odds are extremely good that the Raven won't be the star of the show anymore. No, "Stark Raven Mad" isn't descriptive enough anymore. With the construction of The Voyage, it's time for a new name.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

rollergator's avatar
LOL 'Playa, your "spare tire" is riding a bit high, that costume will never cut it if you're trying to play *hefty black guy* for Halloween.

Jeremy's fine, he's just put on a few pounds...down in the South, we call that *proof of good livin'*.

bill, living a bit TOO good... ;)

P.S. What Dave said...:)

ApolloAndy's avatar
And "Stark Voyage Mad" just doesn't have the same ring.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
What were the attendance figures like at the last SRM? I haven't been to one since `98. Back then, it was still a pretty small group. I have a feeling this time around, it's going to be harder than ever to get a piece of fudge, so be on time! ;)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

SRM is a fun place to go and have fun!

CoastaPlaya said:
I absolutely REFUSE to be the Official Skinny Black Man

I thought we could pass that one off to Antuan...or is he too much of a pretty boy to fit that catagory?

And BTW Chuck, yeah, it was 2002 aka "The Bell Incident" year. And as form URC, I still lurk, but I've always posted here more and I post much, Much, MUCH less than I used to in general...blame Lady T :)

lata, jeremy

--from ashy to classy *** Edited 11/3/2005 12:57:29 AM UTC by 2Hostyl***

PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

Antuan is black?


rollergator's avatar

2Hostyl said:
...blame Lady T :)

Oh, I have....for over a year now....that bithc... ;)

We just miss you're hanging out with US....but I understand. I guess....since I have to... ;)

TeknoScorpion said:
Antuan is black?

..or Puerto Rican....(never liked him anyway...pretty mutha(BLEEP)!) :)

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