Will SOB suffer Mean Streak's fate?

there's one thing I definitely agree on, and that's SOB's operation. going to a park to have the new attration closed on a regular basis is frustrating. PKI is infamous for ride closures.
Running only one train has gotten old. I know I'm repeating myself here, but last time I had a ride on on SOB it was infinitely smoother than before.
Oh,well I cant't wait to ride the Legend at Holiday World. Holiday World tickets cost less, and the park has a much more patron friendly atmosphere than PKI.
When I ride a coaster, I go in with as open mind as possible. If you have to work to like a coaster from the get go, why even bother? I recently rode SOB and loved it, and I'm not thinking about the layout, or the bad PKI press or one train operations. It's just me and the beast I'm on. I try to stay away from all the hype, both negative and positive. It's funny how the mind works, if you hear how rough SOB is over and over, of course your going to be looking for roughness and disappointment. I on the other hand was looking for nothing but a 200ft wooden coaster, and I really enjoyed it!
Jeff's avatar
I don't know if that's a fair assessment... I'm one of the freaks who actually enjoys Outer Limits!

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I guess I'm the other freak. I also really enjoyed the Outer Limits.

I rode Mean Streak in 1996 and I had a blast on it. I dont know if the trim brakes were added on it in '96 or not. If they were I didn't notice a difference. As for SOB the first time I rode it I had fun except for my knees. I was sitting on an axle seat in the 4th car. The second time I rode it I was bruised up on my elbows and thighs. That time I didn't have fun. Again I sat on an axle seat but it was in the second car. After that second ride I promised myself not to ride it until next year until PKI gets running 100% and so far I 've kept my promise. The only reason SOB, in my best coaster list, is above Mean Streak and Papa Beast is because of the hieght, speed, and the loop. But in smoothness for a woodie Dad still has it in better. ;)

As for SOB suffering the same fate as Mean Streak.... I really don't know, but I could see PKI puttung trims in the areas that have the most roughness (i.e.; the two helixes).


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