Will sheikra bring people threw the gates

I think it will, this new drop coaster looks like a major thriller. I like the layout and the theme behind the ride. This ride will just add more interest to the park along with the famous Montu.
I agree, although throwing people through the gates is a rather aggressive approach ;)

(Drum beat) I'll be here all week folks!

I'm sure it will, and give BGT a really big boost in visitor numbers. I mean the last major ride was Gwazi so its about time something major was brought in.

It looks like being a fantastic ride too. The themeing looks great, and the ride experience looks amazing too(I never thought we would see an inversion on a future B&M Dive Coaster, but here it is)

I'm coming over to Florida in June, so I hope its ready for me to ride it. I cant wait

Yes, it will bring people THROUGH the gates. (Sorry, couldn't help it.)
Wow, that'd make for quite a scene. I mean come on, what happens when someone inadvertantly lands in the crocidile pit? Better yet, how do the people that got thrown in get back out? Do they get a discount for being thrown through the gate? Will BGT provide complimentary band-aids for knee and elbow scrapes? What about strollers? Can you get a "frequent flyer" discount if you're willing to be thrown through the gates many times?

Seems like a strange policy to implement the same year as a great new coaster that will probably draw people anyway, without resorting to phyiscal violence! But hey, if it means more jobs for out of work bodybuilders, it can't be all bad!

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
rollergator's avatar
The Croc Pit (which really held gators *cleverly themed* as crocs) is no more. Seems like too much junk was finding its way down there, posing a hazard to the critters...

Now for the analysis portion...i doubt BGT will see that much of an increase due to SheiKra. Doesn't mean I'm any less happy to see it, but it's my *impression* that BGT's growth in terms of attendance figures is more closely tied to their ability to bring in the OLDER crowd. I hope I'm proven wrong, and that BGT sees double-digit increases, but I'm wagering on something more along the lines of 3-5% growth....not insignificant by any means, but also not "earth shattering"...

As always, stay tuned...:)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

The park will probably see an increase, just because most new coasters do so, but I doubt it will come near the Orlando parks, especially at their rate or growth last year ;)
I'll be going this summer, will by my first time since Gwazi was built.

I'll be going to Florida foer the summer to visit the major theme parks like BGT and Seaworld Orlando and Islands of Adventures. I wont go to WDw cause that place sucks like ****.
I have heard grand tales about dwarf tossing in South Florida. Is that the same as 'threw', or 'through'?. Like, Sneezy was tossed through the window, or threw the window.
If it does bring in a LOT of people, that could be a problem. BGT's capacity is around 30,000 and they've hit it a few times. I've heard stories of people lining up outside the park entrance waiting for people to leave. Unless they're planning on adding a whole new section to the park (or ripping up the Sarengeti, which I don't see happening), a few more guests will just keep more people out.
There won't be a problem cause they're going to be thrown in, no lines! Geez, didn't you read Mr. Chainlift's original post?

Seriously: I didn't know BGT really ever hit capacity except on Halloween nights? I thought the park sort of just squeaked by as far as the profitability line? Perhaps I'm wrong...

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Some old lady working the turnstyles told me that there are days where people line up outside the entrance waiting for people to leave. If 5 people leave the park 5 people are let in. I was told that the day I was there that they almost hit that mark. Strange, how on a high capacity day you can still ride Kumba over 20 times...

Dennis Hong said:
I'll be going to Florida foer the summer to visit the major theme parks like BGT and Seaworld Orlando and Islands of Adventures. I wont go to WDw cause that place sucks like ****.

uhh....what? lol....wow, they get more and more interesting each year....;)

still trying to think of a good signature...

I know I am going to try to make a side trip to BGT on my next trip to Orlando Florida. It definately looks to me like one of hottest new coasters of 2005.
A Major roller coaster will bring anyone to a park. Especially a dive coaster. The US doesnt have one so it should attract a few that dont make it across the pond to ride Oblivion. It might not attract more families like the rest of the park, but its an attraction, meant to be for people that want to ride it.

Resident Arrow Dynamics Whore

Mamoosh's avatar
A Major roller coaster will bring anyone to a park. Especially a dive coaster.

No, a major coaster will bring people who enjoy coasters to a park, especially enthusiasts. There are a lot of people who do not ride coasters...you think SheiKra will entice them to come to BGT?

I don't think the attendence increase will be as big as many of you think.

rollergator's avatar
I'll attend more frequently! :)

Mamoosh said:
No, a major coaster will bring people who enjoy coasters to a park, especially enthusiasts. There are a lot of people who do not ride coasters...you think SheiKra will entice them to come to BGT?

I don't think the attendence increase will be as big as many of you think.

I don't think that a huge boost will be in the near future, but I know whenever my homepark got a coaster, the kiddies at school usually buzzed about it a bit, and there is plenty of media coverage. (ex: http://www.tampabays10.com/news/news.aspx?storyid=12060)
I think that a lot of people will want to "check it out", if not this year, than soon, so it will bring in the "normal" folks too ;)

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