Wild Rumors reborn!

Looks like the Wild Rumors section has returned to Thrillride.com. As usual, the Whopper of the Week is entertaining as hell:



Reading wild rumors made thrillride my ultimate coaster site back in 2000. I found coasterbuzz via thrillride...

Fate is the path of least resistance.

Gemini's avatar
I never understood why it was so popular. Lots of web sites and newsgroups have stupid and ridiculous rumors.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Wel truth be told, I read the rumors for Bob's witty retorts.

Fate is the path of least resistance.

^ Me too!
Jeff's avatar
I thought Screamscape cornered the market on really stupid rumors?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

nasai's avatar
Looks like they have competition, Jeff. ;)

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

beast7369's avatar
I was disappointed with this rebirth or Wild Rumors. Not nearly as well done as they used to be. It is almost as if Bob isnt the one doing them anymore.

Hmmm, I donĀ“t know if this means something, but the WR made its comeback on April 1st....
DawgByte II's avatar
This sounds just like a bunch of kids writing in stupid stuff, and printing just about anything that's written in the English language (and sometimes I question that).

This is NOT the same kind of wild rumors like before. This is just a poor attempt to bring it back, because these aren't even entertaining to read. It's just stupid. If I want entertainment, I'll read ARN&R. If I want rumors that at least sound realistic, I'll read Screamscape.

Thanks, but no thanks.
It's not the same.

Funny thing is, The corkscrew woodie rumor is true!

Take it for what it's worth but a company was actually and may still be working on it.

im pretty new to the whole entusiast web so i was just wonderin wat ARN&R is? i mean i only go to the 'buzz

www.absolutelyreliable.com a parody site with some very well written articles.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
I always enjoyed the wild rumors, back in the day, screamscape and thrillride were the first sites I hit on a daily basis, coasterbuzz filled thrillride's void when it left. I enjoyed them and it was usually a good check that if screamscape and thrillride had it as a rumor it was allmost allways true. Glad its back :).

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