Wild Country USA

A few months ago, here at this site a new park project was brought up. Here is the link to the thread: http://coasterbuzz.com/forums/thread.asp?ForumID=11&TopicID=15752 . The "Head" designer said that the announcement would be made sometime in Jan or Feb of 2002. At last count it was March. In this thread it was brought up that this park was not real. I am not saying it is fake, but I now truely have my doubts on Wild Country U.S.A. What I would like to know is does anyone out there have anymore information relating to this park project?

Of course that's just my opinion I could be wrong~Dennis Miller

Head designers for giant new parks don't announce their plans first on internet bulletin boards. The industry insiders who do occasionally post here such as Agent Johnson and Raven Mavern don't let out secrets. They carefully limit what they say.

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