Wild Adventures

I will be going to Wild Adventures, in Georgia, on the 4th. I am only going to get the coaster credits so I will only be there a short time in the morning. My question is how busy do you think it will be that day and how long would you say it will take to hit all the coasters. I know its hard to predict but an estimate would be helpful. Thanks.

The Only Thing Worst Then Dieing, Is Living And Having Nothing Worth Dieing For.
rollergator's avatar
^Thinknig about going myself, and I don't even need the credits - I'm just a glutton for punishment... ;)

Honestly, if *all* you're doing is getting coaster credits, then you can be out in under 2 hours, easily...

Ok thanks. I was hopeing it would be a short day since Im actually just passing thru to Florida.

The Only Thing Worst Then Dieing, Is Living And Having Nothing Worth Dieing For.
Was stuff open when you went to this park? I always hear the rides are down at this park based on staff, or other things. So, were ALL the flats open (Wipeout, Flying Bobs, Inverter, Power Surge, Yo-Yo, Tilt-A-Whirl and so on), and roller coasters?
Does the park really suck as bad as everyone makes it out to be? Honestly I just wave at the turnoff as I go by to or from WDW
Not a bad park. I went there on Oct. 2006 and had a good time. The best ride there is "Cheetah" a CCI out-and-back figure 8 hybrid.
rollergator's avatar
^Cheetah SHOULD be the best ride there hands-down...unfortunately, it is NOT what it should be. Hopefully the completion of Starliner will result in some work being done to Cheetah - but with those G(od-awful) trains, any work seems temporary. Simply too aggressive a ride to run Gerstlauers.

That being said, I got in about 4-4.5 hours there on July 4, and easily could have done JUST a lap on the coasters in 2 hours. BVut since it had been quite awhile since my last visit, I decided to stay and get some rides and some *pictures*.

Wild Adventures!

Notes: With Chaos gone, the only closed rides were the Chance Yo-Yo, the kiddie-ride Flyswatter, and one-half of the S&S Screamin' Swing...everything else was open - but sometimes during slower times ride operators "rotate" between the lower-demand rides.

Also, please note that the last two pics (a HUGE confederate flag flying next-door to I-75) does NOT express my personal opinion - personally, I find it repugnant. Nonetheless, it does show that even in the 21st Century, there are still those who feel it necessary to put their ignorace on display for the whole world...it would be impolite not to notice... ;)

*** Edited 7/29/2007 6:53:55 PM UTC by rollergator***

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