You'd think if you were working on an encyclopedic article you'd at least do a spell check before you submitted. It's crazy to me.
I once commented on inaccuracies in the thread about a Tatsu special on Discovery channel (I'd link to the thread, but search seems to not be working). They made obvious mistakes describing some aspect of physics, and that's the freaking Discovery channel! People commented on how I should lay off pointing out these problems, it's just a coaster show.
But somehow, Wikipedia is supposed to be more accurate than a huge cable channel that's dedicated to learning?
The "Discovery is inaccurate so it's ok for wikipedia to be inaccurate, too" is a lazy argument to begin with, but at least we have the power to change wikipedia, unlike a TV show or news article.
I mean again a lot of it is just lazy grammar and spelling mistakes. I'm working on it but the job is still pretty large.
The REAL question you should be asking yourself isn't "Why do the coaster pages in wikipedia have to be more accurate than Discovery," it should be "Why aren't the coaster pages in wikipedia more accurate than other sections of the site." I guess my only answer is the wrong people are working on it at the moment but hopefully I can contribute a bit and fix some of it. *** Edited 4/15/2007 7:20:24 PM UTC by matt.***
^How difficult is it to edit the wiki pages on any given topic? Don't you have to register somewhere first?
For quick edits, no, but to do various other things, yes. And therein lies the problem. No way to really verify anything.
Craig.. care to author that one? ;)
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